3 important numbers in your life.

1) Birth Number


3) Name Number

What is a Birth Number?

 A birth number is the Single Digit Total of your day number, i.e. the day on which you were born. For example, suppose your date of birth is 25 of any month, then your Birth Number is 2+5=7. If your date of birth is already in single digit, i.e. you were born on or between 1 to 9 of any month, then that date is your birth number.

What is a Life Path Number?

 It is a single Digit total of your full date of birth. Suppose your full date of birth is 25.3.1991, then by adding all the numbers in the date we get 3, so 3 is your life path number. (2+5+3+1+9+9+1=30=3+0=3)

What is a Name Number?

It is a single Digit total of your first name. Suppose your First name  ‘Raj’ then by adding all the numbers all alphabet numbers in the name we get 2, so 2 is your Name Number.

  R  A  J (9+1+1=11/2)

All 3 numbers are important in our life.  All 3 number vibrations you can feel every time in our life journey 

As per name numerology, Ravan rules by Number -2.  

According to Hindu mythology, Ravana was the king of demons who had 10 heads and 20 hands. Ravana had six brothers and two sisters. Whose names were Lord Kubera, Vibhishana, Kumbhakaran, King Kara, King Ahiravan, Kumbini, and Shurpanakha. Today we talk about RAVAN name Numerology here.


9+1+4+1+5= 20/2

 As we know number 2 people are very creative, knowledge-oriented, smart, charming, soft-spoken. Great success in specific fields like a negotiator, mediator, ambassador, diplomat, public relations officer, consultant, matchmaker, Other great fields for them is creative artist, architect, fashion designer, creative writer, performing artist, etc. 

If you search a little, you will find that Ravan also had all the qualities.

Weaknesses of the number 2

Indecisive: To always stay in the middle, the number 2 has a hard time seeing biases which makes it difficult to make decisions both large and small. When a preference cannot be identified one way or another, this number gets stuck in inaction.

Easily hurt: The drive to instill harmony within itself and with others is so strong that even the slightest irk or insult can throw the number 2 off balance and into a world of hurt. There are very sensitive energies here. After everything it puts into creating unity, anything that threatens or works against these efforts feels especially painful to the 2.

Unassertive: The number 2 will put its own needs aside in order to keep the peace. More passive than assertive, it may stay in an unpleasant situation far too long, quietly struggling to make it better on its own instead of being more direct and efficient in its actions. It will often choose its current experience over a new and different path.

Every action and decision of a person with a Life Path number 2 is geared at creating a harmonious existence. From the professional path they choose to who they surround themselves with to their spiritual pursuits, it's all driven by a desire for peace. To this end, however, 2 people can be so passive that they miss out on their full potential.

Do you have a 'Number 2' vibration in your name as well? Even after having many good qualities, is there any RAVANA hiding behind you?

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