The letter A

First letter — Life tends to be approached with ambition and drive, pursued with confidence.

Last letter — The person tends to persist until projects are completed.

The first vowel — Courage tends to be valued. The person tends to express willpower and purpose

The Letter B

First letter — Approach to life tends to have teamwork in mind and getting things done in cooperation with others...

Last letter — More projects are likely to be completed when pursued with the cooperation of others.

The Letter C
First letter — Life is highly likely to be approached with creative self-expression, inspiration, and spontaneity.

The last letter — Generally, things are completed creatively, perhaps winding them up with a flourish sure to get attention from those nearby.

The Letter D
First letter — Security and methodology likely take precedence. There tends to be strong determination, steadfast intention.

Last letter — The person tends to be methodical, completing projects steadfastly and practically.

The Letter E
First letter — Expression of personal freedom is likely to be required for happiness. The person tends to easily adapt to changing circumstances.

The last letter — Routine tasks tend to be completed quickly because there are so many other fun things that can then be pursued.

First vowel — Freedom and adventure tend to be dear to the person, thriving on excitement. They tend to be original and versatile.

The Letter F
First letter — Life tends to be approached with a sense of responsibility. The person tends to have a warm heart and prefers to do things that benefit family and friends.

Last letter — Projects generally get a responsible conclusion, completed harmoniously.

The Letter G
First letter — Fully thought-out solutions, imagination, order, high intelligence, determination, and both a spiritual and scientific view tend to be the approach to life.

Last letter — The person tends to be confident about completing projects in an orderly way. Their self-assurance eliminates doubt.

The Letter H

First letter — Life tends to be approached with material acquisition and personal goals in mind. The person tends to be precise, practical, and organized.

Last letter — Things tend to be concluded in an organized and methodical manner; step by step until done.

The Letter I

First letter — Life tends to be approached with a vision of what is ideal. Compassion and humanitarian considerations tend to affect life decisions.

The last letter — Because of the compassion often attached to them, conclusions tend to have some emotion related to it — for example, as though parting with a friend.

First vowel — Concern is likely to be felt about the well-being of others, humanity as a whole. They tend to be considerate, compassionate, tolerant, and understanding.


The Letter J

First letter — The person is likely to approach life demonstrating independence, preferring self-reliance rather than relying on others.

Last letter — The closer to completion of a project, the more focused on completing it the person tends to become.


The Letter K
First letter — The person is likely to approach life relying on intuition and relationships.

Last letter — Projects tend to be concluded with inspiration, a refreshed point of view, and increased energy.

The Letter L
First letter — The approach to life tends to be both creative and optimistic. There is likely to be sincerity and inspiration with a warmhearted temperament.

Last letter — The last step of completed projects generally produces a smile or is intended to.

The Letter M
First letter — Life tends to be approached with the intent to achieve a desired position or circumstances, a secure foundation for the future.

Last letter — The person is likely to complete projects on time and with all expectations met

The Letter N
First letter — An unconventional approach to life is common, with originality and creativity and with a genuine enjoyment of life and interacting with others.

Last letter — The person tends to conclude projects in a creative and public manner. An appreciative audience sweetens the accomplishment.

The Letter O
First letter — Life tends to be approached with idealism and moral standards. Focused self-discipline and firm willpower are likely to be strong in this approach to life.

Last letter — Projects tend to get a disciplined and responsible conclusion. Projects willingly accepted are likely to be completed, barring circumstances making it impossible.

First vowel — Harmony, a happy home, and moral standards tend to be highly important. Respect for rules and acceptable behavior is also likely to be important.

The Letter P
First letter — There is likely to be a certain spiritual, metaphysical, or philosophical approach to life. The person tends to pursue an educated and wise approach.

Last letter — Projects tend to finish suddenly, but in an orderly way.

The Letter Q
First letter — Life is likely to be approached from a business and finance point of view mixed with unusual and unorthodox actions. Although perhaps not intentionally secretive, the person generally keeps their own counsel.

Last letter — Conclusion of projects generally are sound and complete, though perhaps unusual or unconventional.

The Letter R
The first letter — the person is likely to be even-tempered and stable, approaching life with a business sense and certain self-reliance, and with goals related to benefitting humanity.

The last letter — Generally, projects are completed assertively and resoundingly; when they're done, they are completely done.

The Letter S
First letter — Life tends to be approached with ambition, charisma, and tolerance, yet with an independent point of view and doing things according to their own decisions rather than consulting with others.

Last letter — Projects tend to get a responsible conclusion, harmoniously.

The Letter T
First letter — Life tends to be approached as coexisting with others and feeling comfortable as a team worker.

Last letter — A common way projects are completed is with tact and with a feeling of fondness.

The Letter U
First letter — Optimistic creative expression and inspiring social interaction tend to be the primary approach to life. The person is likely to be charming and kind.

The last letter — Generally, projects are completed in a creative, transparent, and public manner with no feeling of need for secrecy.

First vowel — There tends to be a deep appreciation for the arts and talent for crea

The Letter V

First letter — The person tends to approach life with pragmatism, understanding that achievement is through planning and methodical accomplishment of the steps required.

Last letter — Completing the task at hand tends to be more important than starting new projects.

The Letter W
First letter — Life is likely to be approached with a sense of purpose, yet with creativity, versatility, and a love of change.

Last letter — There tends to be versatility in ways tasks are completed, completion depending on the perceived need of the moment.

The Letter X
First letter — There likely is an idealistic approach to life. Also feeling responsible for family and being available to nurture friends who need it.

Last letter — Projects generally tend to be concluded publicly, where possible, to demonstrate the person's responsibility.

The Letter Y
First letter — Life tends to be approached with intuition, clear perception, and introspection.

Last letter — Things tend to finish in an orderly way, although they may have different results than initially anticipated. The person's self-assurance eliminates doubt.

First vowel — The person tends to be intuitive and can work with abstract information, whether scientific or spiritual. They are likely to be introspective.

The Letter Z
First letter — The approach to life tends to be dynamic, with compassion, and efficient handling of problems that may arise in pursuit of a goal. Material success is likely.

Last letter — Projects are likely to have decisive endings, endings consistent with what was envisioned when the project was launched.

Read more related content:- Name Numerology

Numerology is not a complete science. It is just one branch of the predictive sciences. To be a good numerologist one must become a good observer and a patient listener. The study of physiognomy and astrology is very necessary. Numerology is much simpler than astrology and does not require complicated mathematical calculations. There are just three things a numerologist needs to know: the day of the month a person was born, the numerological value of his or her popular name, and the person’s total birth information (date, month, and year). From astrology, the numerologist needs to know about all the zodiac signs, and a person’s day of birth, sun sign, and Moon sign. In India, the season during which a person was born also has to be known, since that has an effect on one’s temperament. Certain information from physiognomy needs to be learned as well, such as how the shape and form of the various body parts correlate with an individual’s thinking process. (It is known, for example, that the perceptual world of tall people is different from that of short people.) The purpose of working with numbers is to save energy. People who act without a proper understanding of the right moment to start a job waste a lot of energy by making the wrong moves. Numerology provides the knowledge for such things as how to select the right moment, the right relationship, the right dwelling place—thereby saving energy. Numerology must not be used to gain power and control over others. Also, money should not be earned with this knowledge. Using one’s mind to explore the personality of others for money alone will result in stress. Through the selfless use of numerology, one earns good karma. Simply guessing what number a stranger is could be fun, but it is more fun to know how to practice numerology. By asking someone his or her date of birth, one can then find out what sort of person he or she could be. This exercise is also a good mind game. On one hand, it makes students of numerology use their memory (their numerological information bank) and their intuition; on the other, it makes them stay in the present and pay proper attention to the person in question. The student becomes free from his or her little world and launches an adventurous trip into a new personality. Through numerology, all the aspects of life in various forms are explored. The student sees how planets act differently within different people. The study of this science requires that one have the alertness and openness of an explorer—it also brings with it the joy that follows a successful exploration. Having knowledge of numbers and a good memory can save much energy and time. A keen interest in numerology can work to enhance memory and pointedness; it can also promote the intuitive faculty of the mind. The advice that accompanies the discussion of each number regarding fasting or gemstones is based on Ayurvedic and Tantric knowledge. Following the prescriptions given will help to create a better environment for the microorganisms living in our bodies. As receptors of cosmic energy, they serve to create harmony in our lives. Thus, numerology can provide a better understanding of both our good and bad sides a method of accepting our weaknesses, and those of others a vehicle for discussing these weaknesses a joyful way of passing time freedom and escape from our own personal worries a good focal point, or method of paying attention and getting attention popularity and respect unknown friendly interactions. To practice numerology, we develop: the mind of a scholar researching life the alertness of an explorer a good memory and pointedness an intuitive mind good conversational skills.