Name Numerology

According to the numerological theories, the most important influence in a person's life have the numbers from the date of birth as well as the unique number from the name and last name that is found by the defined numerological tables.

After the adoption of the Arabic number system, many numerology systems were developed to assign numerical values to the letters of the alphabet. The system known as gematria, which was originally developed for the Hebrew alphabet, computes values for words by adding the values of the letters. Words that have the same numerical equivalence are thought to share some occult connection.

Numerology assigns a number from 1 to 9 to each letter in the alphabet, as follows:

A, J and S are 1
B, K, and T are 2
C, L, and U are 3
D, M, and V are 4
E, N, and W are 5
F, O, and X are 6
G, P, and Y are 7
H, Q, and Z are 8
I and R are 9

Once you have all the numbers for the letters in a name, you add them all together. If the name results in a double-digit, then you add the separate digits together. So for example, if the numbers of a name come to a total of 24, the numerological value of the name is 6.

The final number is then associated with certain qualities and personality traits.

There are two exceptions to the double-digit rule. If the combined letters of a name result in an 11 or a 22, the digits are not added together. In numerology, these are known as "master numbers" and they have intrinsic qualities of their own.

As an example, let's calculate the numerological value of the name BIDISHA DAS.

First, find out the number of each letter.



The value of BIDISHA DAS is 
2+9+4+9+1+8+1+4+1+1= 40
This is further reduced by adding 4 and 0 to form 4.
So the number value of the name BIDISHA DAS is 4.

Number definitions-
 There are no set definitions to the meaning of specific digits. Common examples include: 
0 -Everything or absoluteness. 
1-Individual – Aggressor. 
2- Balance – Union. Receptive 
3- Communication/interaction. Neutrality. 
4- Creation 
5- Action. Restlessness 
6- Reaction/flux. Responsibility 7- Thought/ Consciousness 
8- Power/Sacrifice. 
9- The highest level of Change.

The consonants in our name on our birth certificate add up to our Expression Number – how we express our thoughts and feelings in general. Left brain intellect. 

The vowels in our name add up to our Consciousness Number – how we experience our thoughts and feelings, or how we feel our way, our experience of life. 

For some of us, this is more a subconscious aspect of life, although there are many benefits in creating Awareness of our Consciousness/Higher Mind abilities. For example, our ability to create anything we choose to focus on materializes through our connection to this Intelligent Creative electro-magnetic Force. Whether the result of our conscious or subconscious focus is a positive or negative experience is actually up to us. If we want positive outcomes then we need to focus positive attention (clear of fear, worry, anxiety, doubt, etc) intending to create a fun and easy outcome.

 The Consciousness Number is reflecting our way of using our Higher Mind to experience life. 

 All the letters in our name add up to the Evolution Number – what we came to learn from this life. Our ‘what we get’ as compared to ‘what we contribute’ as per our Life Number. 
This is happening whether we are conscious of this or not. So, even if we have been raised with a different name, changed our name through marriage, or are called predominantly by a nickname, this birth name is a strong influence all our life. The Evolution Number is what we are aiming to achieve mastery in, it is a higher purpose or processional goal, like a hidden agenda of our very own, and is achieved through the balance of both the Expression and Consciousness Numbers.

How to Choose a Numerologically Correct Baby Name?

According to Numerology

● The first name should be fully or well compatible with the child’s Birth Number or Life Path Number.
● The first name should not be incompatible with the Birth Number or Life Path Number.
● The First Name Number should not be 8 or 9, especially when the child’s Birth Number or Life Path Number is 8 or 9.
● Avoid compound letter names.
● Avoid names starting with the letter K.
● The first name should not contain many R’s, I’s, or K’s.
● The first name should be simple, plane and sounding sweet.
● The first name should not be very lengthy.
● The meaning of the name should be positive.
● If you are looking for a religious, mythological, or historical person’s name, you should read the short biography of that person and should confirm that the person did not suffer from bigger problems.

When a name change is a must thing?

However, in some situations, one should think about changing the spelling of the name, or even the name.

If your name is not spelled correctly while recording it on your birth certificate, or in school record, you should change the spelling to right one.

My first name spelling in the school record is Bidisha (name-value 34/7), which was correctly spelled. It is comparable with my life path(My DOB- 21/10/2002)

If you do not like your name, you must change it, using numerology.

If you do not like your surname, you must change it, using numerology.

Moreover, if you are an author or blogger and you want a pen name, you should think about a new name that is compatible with your life path and/or birth number.

In many cultures, newly the girl's name is changed after her marriage. However, this tradition is slowly decreasing. I do not suggest changing the girl’s name after marriage. But if she wants to change her name to follow the tradition, the new name should be changed according to numerology.

If you want a fake name for some secret activities, (for example you are a spy or detective) you should have a name that is numerologically harmonious with your life path number and/or birth number.

If you want to call your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend with a new pet name or nickname, this name should be according to numerology.


Numerology and related occult science have many other remedies which can eliminate the problems you are facing. These remedies are very practical, easy and you do not have to spend money on them. These remedies include: Using your lucky numbers, lucky days, lucky colors; using the potentials that your numbers have given to you, changing your signature according to graphology, etc.

Let us take an example. Mother Teresa was born on 26th August 1910. Her full name at birth is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Till her middle age, she was called this name. After her 36th year of age, she was called ‘Mother Teresa’.


1 7 5 5 1 7 6 5 6 8  1 2 6 1 1 6 8 9 3

19                   33                   36
1                       6                     9

Now the destiny number is 1+6+9 = 16 = 7. Please note that ‘Agnes’ gives 19 which is a karmic number. This number represents the struggle for freedom from the circumstances. 
‘Gonxha’ has 33 which represents teaching and self-sacrifice for the welfare of others. ‘Bojaxhiu’ has 36 that represent travel, creativity, and humanitarianism. 
The final destiny number is 16 which is a karmic number that represents failures in marriage and business.
 This number gives 7 (i.e. 1+6) which represents spiritualism. These numbers indicate that Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu will be forced to attain freedom by sacrificing her life for the welfare of mankind on humanitarian grounds. With this goal, she came to India in 1929. After coming to India, she worked as a teacher for several years. She took religious vows as a nun in 1931 when her name was changed to Teresa, but everyone called her Mother Teresa.

 Let us calculate the Destiny number for Mother Teresa.

M O T H E R       T E R E S A
4  6  2 8 5 9          2 5 9 5 1 1 
34                             23
7                               5

The destiny number here is 7 + 5 = 12 = 3. Observe the word ‘Mother’ has 34 which represents spiritual purity attained by effort and the word ‘Teresa’ has 23 which represents love for people. The final number 12 represents help from friends and groups. This number 12 = 1+2 = 3 represents creativeness. This is why Mother Teresa created her own society for the destitute and poor and started doing service. She got a call within the call during 1946 to dedicate her life to the poor and needy.

Talent number or Life path number

This number represents the inner talents and abilities of the person and the lessons to be learned. It is the sum of date, month, and year numbers in one’s birth date. For example, let us find the Talent number for Mother Teresa. Her date of birth is 26 – 8 – 1910.

26   8   1910
8    8    11

Since the master number 11 is encountered in the year number, we should not reduce it to a single digit. The final talent number is 8 + 8 + 11 = 27 = 9. Whereas the 8s represent the executive abilities, the master number 11 represents work at a spiritual level and the final number 9 represents sacrificing everything for the sake of helping others.

Now let us take an illustration. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, a great saint of India, who shook the world with his philosophical teachings, was born on 12th January 1863.

His birth date number: 12 = 3.
His birth compound number: 12+1+1863 = 22/4
His birth single number: 2+2 = 4.

His name single number: 
15149.  49452151541
20         41

Vivekananda’s birth date number 3 and name number 7 represent that he is ambitious, versatile, and a spiritual guru. His ambitions are more focused on service to the poor and downtrodden as is shown by 4 in his birth single number. He had unconventional and revolutionary ideas in reforming society. His birth compound number 22 shows that he is highly religious and inclined to the purification of mind and soul. Moreover, his birth single number and name numbers 4 and 7 are harmonious, thus making him a renowned person. Let us take only VIVEKANANDA= 41 
 4+1 = 5 shows the beginning of new ventures which is an indication of his great mission to bring moral and spiritual upliftment. So we can say that Vivekananda’s life would be greatly influenced by numbers 3 and 7 and their harmonics 9 and 2. In his case, 2 represents deep involvement in mental faculties like meditation and the Mantra Japa.

1)    He met his guru Sri Rama Krishna in 1881 = 9 (His age: 18 = 9)
2)   He started his journey in search of truth in 1890 = 9 (His age: 27 = 9)
3)   He reached Kanya Kumari and visualized Divine Mother in 1892 = 2 (His age: 29 = 2)
4)   He participated in the Parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893 = 3 (His age: 30 = 3)
5)   He came back to India and started Rama Krishan Mission Association in 1897 = 7 (His age: 34 = 7)
6 )    The saint left his body in 1902 = 3 (His age: 39 = 3).

Indians Who Changed Their Names Before They Became Bollywood Celebrities.

While Shakespeare asked everyone 'What's in a name, we often thought that names had nothing to do with life in general. But ask these celebrities, whose lives revolve around their names. If not for an ordinary person, for people in showbiz, the name is literally everything.

Imagine why else would celebrities change their name before they make their big debut. In fact, there have been cases when a director has asked/made actors change their names because their real names didn't go with their screen presence.

Would Amitabh Bachchan be this big if his name was something ordinary like Raj or Deepak? We all know those few celebs who have changed their name before they entered the limelight but there are some more who were born with a different name, but changed it before they entered Bollywood. Because 'Everything is there in a name. 

1. Amitabh Bachchan
 October 11, 1942
Known as B Big today, do you think Amitabh Bachchan would have ever made it this big with a name like 'Inquilab Srivastava'? Well, we like his new name for sure. 
DOB 11/10/1942
D- 2/ C- 1/ KUA- 4
Lo Shu Grid
44.   9.   22
 X.     X.   X
X.  1111  X

h=8.  =27/9

n=5.   =31/4

9+4= 13/4

95839312.  199411214
40/4.              32/5
4+5= 9

2. Salman Khan
  27th December 1965,
Bhai of Bollywood, Salman Khan is everyone's go-to person. But did you know his name is a shorter version of his real name - Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan? Just imagine people calling him ARSSK Bhai.

3. Rajnikant  12 December 1950
He is worshipped and loved by millions of people around the globe. But did you know he is a Maratha by heart and was actually named Shivaji Rao Gaekwad?  

4. Akshay Kumar 9th September 1967
He gave up his real name Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia for his reel name but later used that name of his home production- Hari Om Entertainment.

5. Hrithik Roshan 10th January 1974
Well, Hrithik's dance moves often give many of us an inferiority complex. His original name was Hrithik Nagrath, now we know how he can pull those snaky moves so effortlessly.

and many more...