Numerology Number 2: -(pros & cons )

Birth Number 2

Mahatma Gandhi, philosopher and leader of Indian Freedom Movement: 2nd October 1869
Lal Bahadur Shastri, Prime Minister of India: 2nd October 1904
Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor: 11th February 1847
John F. Kennedy, President of United States: 29th May 1917
Mikhail Gorbachev, President of USSR: 2nd March 1931
Osho, Philosopher: 11th December 1931
Rajeev Gandhi, Prime Minister of India: 20th August 1944
Andre Agassi, Tennis Player: 29th April 1970
Asha Parekh, Actress of Hindi movies: 2nd October 1942
Jon Bon Jovi, Musician, and Singer: 2nd March 1962
Dilip Kumar, Legendary actor of Hindi movies: 11th December 1922
Britney Spears,: 2nd December 1981
Amitabh Bachchan, famous actor of Hindi movies: 11th October 1942
Leonardo DiCaprio, Actor, Producer: 11th November 1974
Shah Rukh Khan, another famous actor of Hindi movies: 2 November 1965


Chiero, Astrologer & palmist: 01.01.1710
Wyne Dyer, Motivator: 01.04.1940
Ronald Reagan, 40th President of USA: 06.02.1911
Ramkrishna Paramhans, Spiritual Guru: 18.02.1836
Barack Obama, 44th President of USA: 04.08.1961
Kalpana Chawla, Astronaut : 17.03.1962
Jackie Kennedy: 28.07.1929

Number 2 people have a great capacity for grasping. They are quick thinkers. They like to learn new things. Generally, you will find that they like to read and they read especially informative books and magazines. They are knowledge-oriented and always ready to share the knowledge they have acquired. They like to help others. They make friends easily. You will find a birth number 2 person has a big number of friends in all the sections of the society.
Number 2 people have a great capacity for grasping. They are quick thinkers. They like to learn new things. Generally, you will find that they like to read and they read especially informative books and magazines. They are knowledge-oriented and always ready to share the knowledge they have acquired. They like to help others. They make friends easily. You will find a birth number 2 person has a big number of friends in all the sections of the society.
In numerology 2 means the second position, follower, assistant.
In astrology, 2 is associated with the Moon. Astrologers practicing numerology say that the number 2 is influenced by Sun. But no number is influenced by any planet or planetary object.
In numerology, if number 2 appears as one of the 5 core numbers, i.e. Birth Number, Life Path Number, Expression Number, Soul Urge Number, or Personality Number in a person’s numerology chart, then the person is greatly influenced with the positive or negative traits associated with number 2. If a person’s first name number is 2, then also he/she is greatly influenced by number 2’s qualities.
If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month, you are a birth number 2 person. 
If the total of all the digits in your full date of birth (i.e. DDMMYYYY) is 2, 11, 20, 29, 38 or so on, your life path number is - 2.

Careers:-If we check the birth dates of famous negotiators, artists, painters, salespersons, medicos, healers, etc., we find that many of them have their Birth Number 2, 
i.e. they were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th. In case they were not born on these dates, then their most probable Life Path Number is 2. (This doesn’t mean that all of them were birth number 2 or life path number 2 people, but it simply means such types of people are dominated by number 2)
Birth number 2 people are charming, gentle, kind, friendly, soft-spoken, and honest. They are unbiased and they do justice when they work as a mediator. They know how to handle people and how to deal. They have a great skill of organizing and they do well with this skill anywhere, whether it is a business house, institutions & organizations or society. In the social field, they become very popular. Because of their nature, they get respected everywhere.
They have a great sense of art and they are very creative people. They love beauty and of course, they are of romantic nature. They are imaginative and emotional. As being emotional, their mood changes frequently. They do not like to be alone unless it is required to complete their work. So you will find them always talking with somebody or working. If not doing these things, you will find them reading a book, magazine, or Newspaper.
Teaching is one of the best careers for numerology number 2 people
Lucky Numbers:-Lucky Numbers: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38 ….. 101, 110, 119, etc. (All the Numbers total 2 after reducing to a single-digit number, by adding the digits in a multi-digit number. For example, 2468 = 2+4+6+8= 20=2+0= 2, so 2468 is a lucky number for number 2 people.
Compatible Numbers: 4, 8 (Best), 6, 9 (Secondary)
Incompatible Numbers: 1, 5, 7
Lucky Dates: 2, 11, 20, 29 of any month
Lucky Colors: Gold, White, Yellow, Black, Sapphire, Violet
Numerology & Vastu Shastra, [24.08.20 23:02]
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Numerology & Vastu Shastra, [24.08.20 23:03]
Health Issues of Numerology Number 2 People
Generally, number 2 people suffer from mental problems like ordinary depression.

Negative Characteristics of Numerology Number 2 People:-

You have read a lot of good things with numerology number 2 people, as being moody persons, they can not concentrate on a thing or project for a long time. Because of this ‘bad habit, they leave many of their endeavors incomplete.

Although they are imaginative, most of the time their concepts and ideas remain on a mental level only. Many of their ideas rarely become in reality. Even if their ideas are realized, because of lack of concentration and consistency the realization is not long-lasting. They have a habit of not sticking to their decisions.

As the number 2 people are very emotional, one can easily convince them of anything. As they are extremely sensitive, if the situations around them are not favorable, they get easily disappointed.

As they are pessimists by nature, they can not do their best out of their positive qualities.

They could be easily trapped into forced and extramarital relationships. Being bisexual is another habit of many of them.

If a birth number 2 person has a strong life path or name number, his negative qualities are reduced

Numerology & Vastu Shastra, [24.08.20 23:02]
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Numerology & Vastu Shastra, [24.08.20 23:03]
Health Issues of Numerology Number 2 People

Generally, number 2 people suffer from mental problems like ordinary depression.

Read more related content:- NUMBER IN NUMEROLOGY

Health Issues of Numerology Number 2 People:-

Generally, number 2 people suffer from mental problems like ordinary depression.

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