Numerology, Number 3 is considered as the most friendly number. Those who possess it as a core number, are very charming, entertaining, helpful, and friendly.

All the persons who were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th come under birth number 3. Moreover, if the total of all the digits in a person’s full date of birth is 3 after reducing to a single digit, then his/her life path number is 3. In the same way, if the total of the numerical values of the letters in a person’s full name is 3, then it is his/her expression number or destiny number. Furthermore, if the total of the numerical values of vowels in the full name is 3, then it is the soul urge number which is also called as heart's desire number, and if the total of numerical values of consonants is 3, then it is personality number.

The traits of 3 are similar where ever this number appears in the chart, but its weightage and work are different according to the place. For example, life path number 3 is much powerful than birth number 3. Life path 3 is related to life journey while birth number 3 is about general behavior. This applies to all the numbers in numerology.

Read more related content:- NUMBER IN NUMEROLOGY

Like all other numbers, number 3 has some positive and some negative qualities

Positive Characteristics of Number 3

As I have written above, those who possess number 3 as their birth number or life path number, or any of their name numbers, are very charming, very energetic, entertaining, friendly, and helpful.

They have a great sense of humor, and they are clever and witty.

Number 3 people have great presentation skills. They have a great ability of expression. They can present themselves very easily and very effectively. In fact, they can present anything, be it a product or a topic or anything that requires presentation.

These people are natural counselors and great motivators. They like to inspire and motivate people around them.

They do not like to harm anybody. They are very sensitive and emotional and their reactions and expressions are very quick.

I have observed that most of them, whether they are men or women, are well built, sharp-featured, and attractive and their height is more than average. Because of their attractive personality and charming and friendly nature, people easily get attracted to them. That is why number 3 people have a big number of fans and followers. Moreover, these people have a big number of friends in various fields.

Creativity is another specialty. They have creative talents in arts, writing, acting, speaking, singing, and related things. That is why we find a large number of number 3 people in such creative fields. Collect random data of birth dates of film actors and actresses, music composers, singers, etc. and you will find that a large number of them have their birth number 3 or life path number 3. Of course, all the actors, etc. are not number 3. The runner-ups are number 5 people! (There are many similarities between number 3 and number 5 people).

Number 3 people like to enjoy their life, like to meet new people and visit new places, and like active social life. They always search for new things, ideas, concepts, discoveries, etc. This makes them very successful in intellectual and knowledge-based fields.

They are extremely independent and do not like favors from others. They do not like it if somebody interferes or gives suggestions. They are not born to work under anybody’s supervision. Like number 5 people, number 3s are freedom lovers. So they will work for their own passions, and on their own conditions.

They can understand any subject. They easily influence others by the knowledge they possess, like research, education, teaching, writing, etc.

Read more related content:- 3 important numbers in your life.

Negative Characteristics of Number 3

I have described many of the number 3 qualities which are very good in nature. But like any other number, this number too has some negative qualities.

The most remarkable negative quality of number 3 people is their scattered thoughts and scattered actions. Although these people are multi-talented, they may not concentrate on a single cause or a single project. They will start a project with great enthusiasm, but they will lose interest in it because they want to start a new project.

They are always in hurry and this habit can create problems in their work, as they expect quick results from others.

Many times they become over-expressive and over-emotional. This habit may lead them to trouble.

Many of their thoughts are superficial.

Most of the number 3s make money easily, but cannot save it as they have a habit of overspending. They will buy unnecessary things just because to show others and to maintain their status.

It is seen that most number 3 people lose their money in this or that way. If they do not learn money management, be sure that they will frequently lose their money.

Now I am going to tell you the romantic dark side of number 3 people. Because of their friendly and charming nature, many persons of the opposite sex will get attracted to them. This may lead number 3s to multiple love affairs and extramarital affairs. Chances of such affairs increase if the person has number 2 or 5, or another 3 in his/her core numbers

Best Careers Options for Number 3 People

As the number 3 people have a great skill of communication, expressing and presenting, the professions which give scope to these skills are very beneficial for these people.

They can become very good and successful actors, comedians, performing artists, music composers, singers, musicians, storytellers, story writers, scriptwriters, magicians, etc.

Moreover, they can become great motivators and counselors, public speakers, presenters, sales persons, etc.

In the academic field, they can become great teachers, researchers, authors, and educators.

If their numerology chart contains a strong number like 1, 8, 9, 22, etc, number 3 persons can become great commanders in Armed Forces, or they can become top officers in the public or private sector. Moreover, these people can become great bureaucrats.

Health Issues of Numerology Number 3 People

Generally, number 3 people are healthy and because of their friendly and positive nature, they rarely suffer from health issues. Even if they are suffering from any illness, it is because of the other numbers in the chart.

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