Famous People Having Birth or Life Path Number 8

Here are some of the famous people who possessed 8 as their birth number or life path number:
Birth Number 8

Mother Teresa, Missionary
Napoleon Hill, Self Help Author
Robert Kiyosaki, American businessman, and author
Man Mohan Singh, Ex-Prime Minister of India
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
Louise Hay, Motivational author
Maneka Gandhi, Animal welfare activist, politician
Kalpana Chawla, astronaut

Number 8 is the number of power, wealth, money, and management. On the negative side, this number may bring dictatorial tenancies, relationship problems, and misuse of power. 8 seems to be a number related to the material world, but in fact, this number balances both the material and non-material worlds. It is as spiritual as material.

Number 8 may appear as one of your core numbers, or as your first name number. If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, then 8 is your birth number. If the total of all the digits in your full date of birth (DDMMYYYY) reduced to a single digit is 8, then it is your life path number. If the total of the numerical values of all the letters in your full name reduced to a single digit is 8, then 8 is your expression number (which is also known as destiny number). Similarly, if the total of the numerical values of vowels in your full name is 8 then it is your soul urge number (which is also known as the heart’s desire number). Your personality number is 8 if the total of the numerical values of consonants in your full name, reduced to a single digit is 8.

 Positive Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 8

As I have written above, number 8 is the number of power, wealth, money, and management. Those who possess this number as one of their core numbers have a great capability of making huge money, creating wealth, and acquiring power in their field of work. They have great skills in administration, organizing, supervising, leading, and managing. They have great managerial skills with a special skill in money management. That is why they can get great success in the business field and even in the political field.

They are capable of acquiring powerful positions in business organizations as well as in politics. They know very well how to attract money and accumulate wealth, and how to get material success. Even at the smaller level, they have a great skill of operating a small business and then expanding it to a higher level.

However, success and achievement for them is not a quick thing. In fact, they are long-haul horses, or in other words, they are marathon runners. They are achievers by uninterrupted and constant hard work. If they are using their capabilities, surely they have a steady growth.

Starting early, they become richer and richer, and in the second half of their life, they are well settled and known as one of the richest persons in their circle of people.

Apart from the traits above, some of the other general characteristics of number 8 people are: They are extremely ambitious, goal-oriented, confident, disciplined, efficient, authority, and realistic. They are determined.

These people have more energy when compared to other numbers.

They have a great sense of judging people.

On the spiritual side also, 8 is very practical, realistic, and ground to earth. They are not blind believers as they know the difference between belief and realization.

They are compassionate. That is why some of them like to work for humanitarian causes. Especially, the people born on 26th, or having life path number 26/8 tend to involve in humanitarian or social work. The greatest example is Mother Teresa, who was born on 26th August 1910. She was an Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic Nun and missionary. She was a founder of Missionaries of Charity. The organization manages homes for people dying of leprosy, TB, HIV, and other diseases.

Another example of 26/8 is Baba Amte. He was born on 26th December 1914 at Wardha in the state of Maharashtra, India. He particularly worked for the rehabilitation and empowerment of people suffering from leprosy. After his death, his son Prakash Amte is working for the same cause, and his date of birth is also 26th December!

Negative Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 8

Like any other number, 8 has some negative characteristics.

In fact, 8 may be either hero or zero! That means many 8s will be very successful in their life and many will be nowhere. It depends on the other numbers they have got in their core numbers chart, and what traits of number 8 they have developed.

Many 8s face relationship problems. Conflicts occur frequently in their life.

Although 8s are very emotional at their heart, they fail to express their emotions. Most people misunderstood number 8s because 8s fail to communicate.

Some of them may develop behavior problems and dictatorial tendencies, leading them to be disliked by others.

In many cases, they appear threatening to others.

They have fewer friends when compared with other numbers.

Frequent mood swings are another great problem with 8.

A negative 8 may become very rigid and stubborn and may lead himself to self-destruction.

Negative 8s may lead to misuse of their power.

Extremely negative 8s may become anti-social. In fact, such people may become extremists and threats to society and nations. This is very contrary to their positive traits. Here are some examples. We all know about Osama Bin Laden. His life path number was 26/8. The most wanted criminal of India Dawood Ibrahim was born on 26th (Birth number 8). Velupillai Prabhakaran, who waged war against Shri Lanka is another extremist who was born on the 26th. (Birth number 8).

Vastu Shastra

Career Options for Birth/Life Path Number 8 People

As number 8 is related to power, money, wealth, managerial skills and as the number is also related to spirituality and compassion, all the careers related to these traits are most suitable to the persons having their life path number or birth number 8. I am suggesting a few of such careers:



Professions related to finance, fundraising, fund management, etc.

Leadership in politics and business organizations

NGO/Non Profit Organiztion

Management of the educational institution

Jobs at managerial posts

Operating a charity organization

Spiritual Teaching

Besides these careers, the following careers are also suitable number 8s:

Real Estate Business including land development, construction, dealing, etc.

My Industry

Professions and business related to technology, engineering

Profession related to law.

Lucky Numbers, Compatible Numbers for Number 8 People

Although a similar number is a lucky number for each number, as you have read in my other articles, 8 is an exception to this rule. The reason behind this exception is that if an 8 uses 8 as a lucky number, the negative energy of this powerful number may get boosted. So I recommend number 8 persons to use 2, 4, or 6 as your lucky number instead of using 8.

However, if you are a very confident and positive 8, you may use 8 as your lucky number. In this case, any number that totals 8 after adding the digits and reducing it to a single digit, then that number is lucky for you.

For example, 5678 is a lucky number for you as 5+6+7+8 = 26 = 2+6 = 8.

The best compatible numbers with numbers 8 are 2, 4, and 6. So any multi-digit number which totals 2, 4, or 6 after adding the numbers and reducing to a single-digit number, are best compatible numbers for number 8 persons.

Another compatible number for a number 8 person is 1. 8-1 combination is better for material success.

If a number 8 person chooses a number 2, 4, or 6 people as a business partner, spouse, or colleague, it will be better for him/her.

He/she should start a new venture on any of the following dates: 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 29, 31 (Any Month). For house, shop, office, etc., the same numbers are the lucky numbers for a number 8 person.

Number 8 is the number of power, wealth, money, and management. On the negative side, this number may bring dictatorial tenancies, relationship problems, and misuse of power. 8 seems to be a number related to the material world, but in fact, this number balances both the material and non-material worlds. It is as spiritual as material.

Number 8 may appear as one of your core numbers, or as your first name number. If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, then 8 is your birth number. If the total of all the digits in your full date of birth (DDMMYYYY) reduced to a single digit is 8, then it is your life path number. If the total of the numerical values of all the letters in your full name reduced to a single digit is 8, then 8 is your expression number (which is also known as destiny number). Similarly, if the total of the numerical values of vowels in your full name is 8 then it is your soul urge number (which is also known as the heart’s desire number). Your personality number is 8 if the total of the numerical values of consonants in your full name, reduced to a single digit is 8.

Vastu Shastra

 Positive Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 8

As I have written above, number 8 is the number of power, wealth, money, and management. Those who possess this number as one of their core numbers have a great capability of making huge money, creating wealth, and acquiring power in their field of work. They have great skills in administration, organizing, supervising, leading, and managing. They have great managerial skills with a special skill in money management. That is why they can get great success in the business field and even in the political field.

They are capable of acquiring powerful positions in business organizations as well as in politics. They know very well how to attract money and accumulate wealth, and how to get material success. Even at a smaller level, they have a great skill of operating a small business and then expanding it to a higher level.

However, success and achievement for them is not a quick thing. In fact, they are long-haul horses, or in other words, they are marathon runners. They are achievers by uninterrupted and constant hard work. If they are using their capabilities, surely they have a steady growth.

Starting early, they become richer and richer, and in the second half of their life, they are well settled and known as one of the richest persons in their circle of people.

Apart from the traits above, some of the other general characteristics of number 8 people are: They are extremely ambitious, goal-oriented, confident, disciplined, efficient, authority, and realistic. They are determined.

These people have more energy when compared to other numbers.

They have a great sense of judging people.

On the spiritual side also, 8 is very practical, realistic, and ground to earth. They are not blind believers as they know the difference between belief and realization.

They are compassionate. That is why some of them like to work for humanitarian causes. Especially, the people born on 26th, or having life path number 26/8 tend to involve in humanitarian or social work. The greatest example is Mother Teresa, who was born on 26th August 1910. She was an Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic Nun and missionary. She was a founder of Missionaries of Charity. The organization manages homes for people dying of leprosy, TB, HIV, and other diseases.

Another example of 26/8 is Baba Amte. He was born on 26th December 1914 at Wardha in the state of Maharashtra, India. He particularly worked for the rehabilitation and empowerment of people suffering from leprosy. After his death, his son Prakash Amte is working for the same cause, and his date of birth is also 26th December!

 Negative Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 8

Like any other number, 8 has some negative characteristics.

In fact, 8 may be either hero or zero! That means many 8s will be very successful in their life and many will be nowhere. It depends on the other numbers they have got in their core numbers chart, and what traits of number 8 they have developed.

Many 8s face relationship problems. Conflicts occur frequently in their life.

Although 8s are very emotional at their heart, they fail to express their emotions. Most people misunderstood number 8s because 8s fail to communicate.

Some of them may develop behavior problems and dictatorial tendencies, leading them to be disliked by others.

In many cases, they appear threatening to others.

They have fewer friends when compared with other numbers.

Frequent mood swings are another great problem with 8.

A negative 8 may become very rigid and stubborn and may lead himself to self-destruction.

Negative 8s may lead to misuse of their power.

Extremely negative 8s may become anti-social. In fact, such people may become extremists and threats to society and nations. This is very contrary to their positive traits. Here are some examples. We all know about Osama Bin Laden. His life path number was 26/8. The most wanted criminal of India Dawood Ibrahim was born on 26th (Birth number 8). Velupillai Prabhakaran, who waged war against Shri Lanka is another extremist who was born on the 26th. (Birth number 8).

Vastu Shastra

Career Options for Birth/Life Path Number 8 People

As number 8 is related to power, money, wealth, managerial skills and as the number is also related to spirituality and compassion, all the careers related to these traits are most suitable to the persons having their life path number or birth number 8. I am suggesting a few of such careers:



Professions related to finance, fundraising, fund management, etc.

Leadership in politics and business organizations

NGO/Non-Profit OrganiztionManagementt of educational institution

Jobs at managerial posts

Operating a charity organization

Spiritual TeachingBesidese these careers, the  following careers are also suitable for number 8s:

Real Estate Business including land development, construction, dealing,g, etc.My Industry

Professions and business related to technology, engineering

Profession related to law.

Lucky Numbers, Compatible Numbers for Number 8 People

Although a similar number is a lucky number for each number, as you have read in my other articles, 8 is an exception to this rule. The reason behind this exception is that if an 8 uses 8 as a lucky number, the negative energy of this powerful number may get boosted. So I recommend number 8 persons to use 2, 4, or 6 as your lucky number instead of using 8.

However, if you are a very confident and positive 8, you may use 8 as your lucky number. In this case, any number that totals 8 after adding the digits and reducing it to a single digit, then that number is lucky for you.

For example, 5678 is a lucky number for you as 5+6+7+8 = 26 = 2+6 = 8.

The best compatible numbers with numbers 8 are 2, 4, and 6. So any multi-digit number which totals 2, 4, or 6 after adding the numbers and reducing to a single-digit number, are best compatible numbers for number 8 persons.

Another compatible number for a number 8 person is 1. 8-1 combination is better for material success.

If a number 8 person chooses a number 2, 4, or 6 people as a business partner, spouse, or colleague, it will be better for him/her.

He/she should start a new venture on any of the following dates: 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 29, 31 (Any Month). For house, shop, office, etc., the same numbers are the lucky numbers for a number 8 person.