Famous People Having Birth or Life Path Number 9

Life Path Number 9

Mahatma Gandhi,
Ravindra Nath Tagore, Author
Mother Teresa, Missionary
Henry Ford, American Industrialist
Benazir Bhutto, Late Prime Minister, Pakistan
Elvis Presley, Pop Singer
Jim Kerry, Hollywood actor
Bhagat Singh, Indian revolutionary

Birth Number 9

Nelson Mandela,
Ram Krishna Paramhansa, Spiritualist
Acharya Anand Rishi, Jain Acharya
Leo Tolstoy, Russian author
Galileo, Scientist
Bertrand Russell
Tom Hanks, Hollywood actor
Brad Pitt, Hollywood actor.

Vastu Shastra

Number 9 is the last in the 1 to 9 series of single-digit numbers. That is why in numerology 9 is known as the number of completion. In numbers 1 to 9, it is the most evolved number. This number contains qualities of all the other numbers. In fact, 9 holds all the positive and constructive qualities of all the other numbers.

All those who were born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month have their birth number 9. If the single-digit total of the digits in a person’s full date of birth (DDMMYYYY) is 9, then his/her life path number is 9.

9 may appear as expression number, soul urge number, or personality number. These numbers are derived from the letters, vowels, and consonants in your full name.
Moreover, 9 may appear as a first name number.

 Positive Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 9
As I have written above, 9 is related to humanitarian and spiritual traits, compassion, wisdom, and creativity. That is why number 9 people have these qualities.
Generally, these people are wise and givers. These people are liberal, generous, spiritual, and have higher humanitarian values. They are compassionate and sensitive.
In the spiritual world, they have higher spiritual principles, and they live on a higher spiritual plane.
Most of them are not money-oriented, and many of them will give their life for specific humanitarian or spiritual causes, or for a career they have chosen.
Many of them have an interest in occult subjects, like astrology, palmistry, feng shui, numerology, face reading, spiritual healing, etc. Many have mastery of such subjects.
They are excellent Gurus, healers, and therapists.
In the material world, they become very successful in business related to land and earth, and in other large-scale businesses.
Besides the material and non-material world, many of the number 9s are interested in the scientific world. In this field, they contribute a lot to research and exploration.
They tend to follow what they believe, and they will follow it with great determination and drive.
Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa both were life path number 9 persons.
Besides the material and non-material world, many of the number 9s are interested in the scientific world. In this field, they contribute a lot to research and exploration.
They tend to follow what they believe, and they will follow it with great determination and drive.
Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa both were life path number 9 persons.
If your birth number or life path number is 9, you have these qualities by default. Some of these qualities may be in hidden form, but it will be easy for you to develop them.

Negative Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 
Although many of the traits related to number 1 are also found in number 9, (like confidence, ambition, aggression, exploration, etc.), unlike number 1, birth or life path number 9 people do not get quick success in their life.
They are not in hurry and almost all important events in their life take place long after the scheduled time. Obstacles in their life events are a common thing.
They are high-tempered and prone to accidents. Their high temper nature can be seen on their face.
They may have issues with their family, especially with their parents. However, they have great bondage with their parents and other family members.
They may have a tendency to lie and may have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions.
Some of them may become extreme and fanatical in thoughts and actions.

Vastu Shastra

Career Options for Birth/Life Path Number 9 People

Here are some of the best career options for number 9 people:
Humanitarian Work
NGO (Educational, Health, Humanitarian)
Land Development
Real Estate & Construction
Art and Architecture
Large Scale Industries
Heavy Transport
Field Officers in Armed Forces
Manufacturing or trading of Metals
Sports (Outdoor)
Spiritual healing
Spiritual Guru
Occult Master (Like numerologist, reiki master, face reader, palmist, astrologer, etc.)