Number 7 is known as an introvert number. This number is related to introspection, observation, analysis, thought, research, knowledge, occult sciences, spirituality, teaching, healing, etc.

Some Positive Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 7

Birth/life path number 7 people are generally introverted and restless. However, these people are smiling, charming and friendly. As they are introverts, generally they feel lonely even if they are in a crowd. One can easily find out a number 7 person in the crowd.

When you meet a number 7 person you will find that he/she is thinking something.

Being introverts, these people are thinkers and in search of the truth. They are great philosophers and have their own thoughts. They like to find out the hidden truths. These questions are related to inner self… like who am I? and why I am here? On the external front, they would like to observe and analyze things …. How things happen, how a person behaves, what is the truth behind it, etc.

They are great logical and analytical thinkers. They are experts in observing and analyzing. They are so capable of observing and analyzing that nothing can escape from their deep understanding. That is why they become an authority in the subject and field where they work. It doesn’t matter what is the subject, may it be science or technology, religion or spirituality, occult sciences or education, investigating or exploration. Whatever their cause and work are, they are perfectionists.

They have great capabilities to study, learn and understand anything.

Another important quality of number 7 people is that they have a rational approach to everything.

They like to work alone, in their own way, and at their own pace. They like to be away from the disruption of the outer world.

Because of being on a different wavelength, and being introverted, most people, even friends, and close relatives may not truly understand a number 7 person.

They do not like backstabbing and gossiping. They are not money-oriented so they will not take any decisions eyeing material gains.

Some Negative Traits of Birth/Life Path Number 7

Because of being introverts, they are not involved in social activities. For them, their own causes and own work are much important.

They do not give much time to their friends and even to their family.

Being very rational and logical, they may have lack emotions or may face problems in expressing emotions.

They may become of a very secretive nature and self-centered.

They may have a limited degree of trust in other people.

They may become too introverted and isolated.

Lucky Numbers, Compatible Numbers for Number 7 People

The best compatible numbers with numbers 7 are 1, 5, and 7. So any multi-digit number which totals 1, 5, or 7 after adding the numbers and reducing to a single-digit number, are best compatible numbers for number 7 persons.

Another compatible number for a number 7 person is 4.

It means that if a number 7 person chooses a number 7, 1, 5, or 4 people as a business partner, spouse, or colleague, it will be better for him/her.

He/she should start a new venture on any of the following dates: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31. (Any Month). For house, shop, office, etc., the same numbers are the lucky numbers for a number 7 person.

Incompatible Numbers for Number 7

2, 6, and 8 are the most incompatible numbers with Number 7.

Lucky Colors for Birth/Life Path Number 7 People

Some of the lucky colors for number 7 people are Cyan, Magenta, Saffron, Purple, Pearl, Camel, etc., provided that the person knows these colors by the names given here.

Vastu Shastra

Career Options for Birth/Life Path Number 7 People

As Number 7 is an introvert and knowledge-oriented number with a higher ability of observations and analysis, the careers which need these abilities are most suitable for number 7 people. Here are some of the best career options for number 7 people:

Teacher, Trainer, Educationalist
Detective, Spy, 
Investigation Officer,
Research Scientist
Medico, Analyst, Author
Spiritual Master,
Spiritual Healer,
Reiki Master,
Music Composer etc.

I have found that most of the number 7 people have a very impressive voice. So they can become a successful voice artist.

Famous Birth Number 7 Persons

Sir Isaac Newton (Scientist)
Marie Curie (Scientist)
C.V. Raman (Scientist)
Ravindra Nath Tagore (Author)
Vladimir Putin (Spy Master)
Ravi Shankar(Musician and Music Composer)
Shobha De (Author)

Famous Life Path Number 7 Persons

Vladimir Putin (Spy Master)
William Shakespeare (Author)
Andrew Carnegie (Industrialist)
James Cameron (Film Maker)
Leonardo DiCaprio (Actor, Film Maker)