Number 6 is the most harmonious and caring.

 This is a number of charm, amity, love, care, compassion, friendship, insight, health, beauty, and many other positive things. In fact, this is the only number that has more positive qualities and less negative qualities when compared to any other number. So we can say that it is a better number.

6 may appear as one of your core numbers or as your first name number. In such a case, you may have been greatly influenced by the qualities of this number. However, you should remember that even if a person has the number 6 in his core numbers, if his/her other numbers are not compatible with 6, may limit the qualities of the number 6.

If you were born on the date 6, 15, or 24 of any month, your birth number is 6. If the single-digit total of your full date of birth (i.e. DDMMYYYY) is 6, then it is your life path number. Moreover, according to your full name, you may have 6 as your expression number, soul urge number, or personality number.

Positive Characteristics of Birth/Life Path Number 6 People

Birth or Life Path Number 6 people have a charming and magnetic personalities. They are holistic, charismatic, and helpful to others. Not necessarily they are beautiful or handsome persons, but they surely attract others through their magnetic and energetic nature and smiling face. They create their own positive image through their behavior, so they are respected by the people who know them.

These persons seem to be always happy, even in the worst conditions. This image is because of their balanced personality.

They love everything artistic and beautiful. They are lovely and romantic.

These persons are very trustworthy and one can get good advice from them. They are soft-spoken, tolerant, diplomatic, and problem solvers. They do not like to criticize others. They accept others as they are, with their shortcomings, strengths, and weaknesses. They have a great capability of judging people, and it is not easy to cheat them.

They do not worry much about themselves, but they always take care of others, especially their family members, friends, colleagues, and employees.

These people are basically materialistic but not exploiters. Even in love or marriage, social work, consider material things. Money is their foremost concern. However, they do not dream of unpractical and unbelievable achievements and they do not set unpractical goals. They do not chase money but make it through their hard work. Moreover, even being materialistic, they give time to their family members and friends.

If you meet a birth number 6 person, it becomes very difficult to you to forget that person.

Positive Characteristics of Birth/Life Path Number 6 People

As I have said above, when compared to other numbers, this number has fewer negative qualities. So birth number or life path number 6 people have less negative characters in their behavior and attitude. However, few of the number 6 persons may tend to worry too much, may have a habit of over exacting, and may ignore their own needs.

Best Career Options for Birth Number/Life Path Number 6 Persons

Any profession which requires creativity is very suitable for Birth or Life Path Number 6 persons.

Some of such professions I would like to suggest are:-

Art, Fine Art, Designing, 

Advertising, Fashion Designing

Interior Decoration, Printing

Publishing, Architecture

Florist, Photography,

Videography, Cinematography

Beautician, Music,

Creative Writing, Painting.

Also, as they are soft-spoken and diplomatic, the followings career options are suitable for them:

Salesmanship, Marketing

Negotiator, Management

Motivator, Healing

They will be very successful in running an NGO or Non-Profit Organization for humanitarian, educational, and social causes.

Vastu Shastra

Lucky Days for Birth Number 6 people

Lucky dates for birth number 6 persons are 6th, 15th, and 24th, and also 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th. The best lucky day for them is the single-digit total of full date is equal to their life path number and day number is one of the above dates.

Lucky Colors for Birth Number/Life Path Number 6 people

Orange, Mustard, Peach, Ultramarine, Wine, Celeste