Number 5 is related to higher intellect and smartness. It is the number of quick thinking and quick decision making.

Positive Qualities of Birth Number 5 People

Number 5 people are sharp-minded, multi-talented, and quick thinkers. They are very quick in their thoughts and decisions and they do not like any kind of slow work. Their actions are quick like their thoughts. They do not like to stay idle and inactive.

Freedom is their biggest requirement and in most cases, they are their own boss, and even if they are working for others, they will not tolerate bossing from anybody.

They do not like routine work and are always in search of new ideas and innovations. They make money by implementing their new ideas and inventions, and they have a natural tendency of making money quickly. They are great risk-takers. They can get great success in the stock market and other methods of money-making where one requires an analytical mind and quick decisions.

They are charming, magnetic, confident and optimistic, and have a great ability to organize and inspiring people. They are very influential and are great motivators. They have a great command of language and generally, they are good public speakers. They know well how to communicate and how to make others work for them. They are of helping nature.

These people are very brilliant and multi-talented, and we get surprised by seeing their ability to do various things. One of my friends, Mr. Sanjay Sonawani is a number 5 person. He is an author, writes in three different languages, he is a publisher, his publishing house has published more than 800 books, the number of the books he wrote is 100++, his own books cover a variety of subjects, right from social issues to science and detective stories to politics. Moreover, he is a poet, lyricist, music composer, actor, director, and film producer. Well, it is not enough… he is a private detective and a public speaker.

If number 5 person was born on 14, or the total of the digits in his/her full date of birth, he/she will have some added qualities of 1 (leadership, exploration, innovation, etc.) and 4 (management, planning, strait forwardness, etc.)

If number 5 people are good in nature, they remain good forever, if they are bad, no one can make them a good person. But they are good and humanitarian at heart and have a large number of friends in different fields of life. They can get many friends easily and quickly. In fact, number 5 people tune well with the persons born under any number.

Read more related content:- NUMBER IN NUMEROLOGY

Negative qualities of Birth Number 5 people

Birth Number 5 people have their own distinct negative characteristics. They are not stable in relationships, and although these people are family-oriented, chances are that they get involved in other persons of the opposite gender. Staying committed is a hard task for them. So generally they have many relationships.

Multiple relationships are more possible if 2 or 3 appear in their core numbers, or they have another 5 in their numerology chart.

Anxiety and restlessness is another problem for them. Because of this, they are generally hot-tempered. They easily get distracted from their work and goals. If they suffer from failure, they may become victims of addictions to cigars, alcohol, or drugs.

They may suffer from severe depression.

Many of them may look for easy money and some of them may cheat others for money.

If number 5 person was born on 14, or the total of the digits in his/her full date of birth is 14, he/she may suffer from some of the negative qualities of number 1 (dictatorship, bossing, etc) and number 4 (stubborn nature).

14 is a karmic debt number and people possessing it may suffer from negative results of their past negative karmas.

Suitable Careers for Number 5 People

As number 5 people are multi-talented, they have a vast number of career options. They are born to be their own boss, so they do well when they work for themselves. Some of the best career options for them are:

Innovator, Researcher, Mathematician, Motivator,

Public Speaker, Author,

Critic, Organizer, Lawyer,

Detective, Thinker, Consultant, Stock Investor

Read more related content:- 3 important numbers in your life.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32 ….. 104, 113, etc. (All the Numbers total 5 after adding the digits in a multi-digit number. For example, 2345 = 2+3+4+5= 10=1+0= 1, so 2345 is a lucky number for number 5 people.

Lucky Numbers 5, 14, and 23 are their basic lucky numbers. Any number that totals 5 is a lucky number for them.

Most Compatible Numbers: 5, 1, 7 (Best), 3, 9 (Secondary)

Incompatible Numbers: 4 (most incompatible), 2, 6, 8 (compatible)

Lucky Dates: 5, 14, 23 of any month

Lucky Colors: Sepia, Pink, Raspberry, Carnelian, Cherry.

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