Number -9 personality

Hello dear friends and welcome to personality trait number nine. Well if you are born on the ninth on the 18th or the 27th of the month then this is for you let's get started what is number nine? Finally, we are here number nine Thank you Well I would say yes that's what I want to say to you because you really have shown tremendous patience and that is your first-rate. Yeah, patients with impulsiveness inside of you right? This is what the number nine is about also well a number nine is something of a mystery they are enigmas okay. They are a mystery they are enigmas it's difficult to understand a number nine person very large if you apply logic all the times you will never understand or number nine person because number nine if you even see the number nine how it works you know take the take the table of 9 ,9 X 1 = nine, 9X2= 18 so eight plus one is nine, again 9X3= 27 two plus seven is nine again and you go on and on whatever is multiplied by nine comes to nine that means what they don't change no matter where they are put they have such a tremendous self control upon themselves you know they have tremendous self control that they will never change no matter what you try to do how you try to influence them they remain themselves so yes rigidity can be one of the things of number nines also but at the same time they are original they don't they don't change they don't get influenced they are always themselves no matter what you do no matter where you put them they will be seen as themselves they cannot be anything other than themselves.

 Number nine people are very compassionate at the same time they have a lot of compassion no matter what their age is no matter what the gender is. You just if there is some situation they will see that number nine you will see that number nine people they get touched very easily the compassion overflows always in them because their life path is about spirituality well Here comes the warning because number nine can be two types okay either very spiritual are completely unspiritual either very godly are very devilish these are the two things that come under the number nine so if they are on the good path if they are guided by good people are on the balanced path then there is no end to their spirituality they will just keep on growing they're there their life is all about evolving on a spiritual level. But if they fall into wrong hands if they have a bad childhood if they have bad parents or if they have bad friends and if they go on the other path then it's destruction for them they will destroy themselves they will fall into all kinds of vices and they will destroy themselves I'm sorry to say that but this is how these are the two paths these two choices are given always in the lives of the number nine people this is the last number from zero to nine when you say from one to nine okay so this is the last number and you see the magic of this number and it's this is why they call it a magical number also.

 As I said you multiply nine by anything you get the nine okay then they are original but they want to preserve the originality in others also so they can be friends with just every number every other number of course 3,6,9 are the favorite groups for them. Because they are you know the same kind of you know, they match well together, but the numbers that give them spirit sorry stability are 2,4,8 they give them that stability that spirituality that you know that concrete way of living also. Yeah. And of course, with number nine, they are mirror number one they are mirrors number nine and number one, they are mirrors of each other like you know, equals and opposites of each other. Okay, so when number nine now you just see, take the number nine and add nine plus one equals 10. Right, one plus zero is equal to one. So you had added somebody to the number nine plus one, one plus zero comes to one again. So the number one remains number one with the nine-plus two Less than one plus one is equal to two. So, whatever you add to number nine also reproduces itself back again we will not change them.

 So, you cannot change them and they will not change anyone by force, they will not do that they have this on gentlemen and you have this, you want to preserve your own originality at the same time, you look at the originality of people also. So, you give them a space to breathe also. So, this is what they are liberal in their thoughts. They have this kind of generosity towards people, like for them, material things don't really matter. They get material success very easily somehow, money comes to them. This is what is seen for number nine people I've seen so many they, they just get something falls into the laps, opportunities will come, somebody will give them money, something happens and they get money. But that is not the aim of life and they know it well enough. Money is not an important thing for them. That's not everything for the number nines for them. It is the higher purpose of life humanitarian work, they live for a cause. And they're so restless and they struggle so much inside of them. Because until and unless they don't find the purpose of their life the cause for which they are living, they will be restless inside and this restlessness takes up as anger frustrations. Rejecting things also many times because they need to find themselves they need the hard way they are there they are, warriors, okay they are ruled by Mars. So they are the warriors is number nine. 

So what happens is that these number nine people, they will just fight debate, you will see number nine, they really can enter into arguments very fast. Look in your family and number nine-person you say something that will contradict you and they will you know, slay you they will try to slay you. They're always with the sword when it comes to a very close relationship, they always are this word. Like, okay, I don't feel it this way. And you know, this is the Martian energy inside of them. They are warriors. And they don't give up easily, very determined people extremely determined people they will never never, they will give up easily. They will fight till the last breath. 

And for the working out is not the solution. They have to die on that battlefield. If they are the last person left they will die on that battlefield but they will not leave. They will never run away they will face it but with different kinds of powers. Not always fighting it but they will use their different powers of magnetism of charisma of intelligence of anything they will use but they will stick to their ground and they will prove their point. 

Try to see whoever is number nine even you might do number nine if you have maybe you have seen it in your life. Life is full of struggles, right? Life is not always easy. Because you're over trusting also trust the wrong people. You feel everyone is good. And then they nicely backstab you you would give your life for a friend, you will give your life for a loved one, you will give away all your money, your job, your position for a loved one. And then what happens then they stab you. 

Many times this happens with the number nine. They are the ones who are backstabbed or rather they are the ones who are deceived a lot in life because they are naive. They are life. being innocent is one of the tricks but to the extent of being naive. That is not good for you right number nine and once the number nine knows the face of people when the masks fall off people's faces. That's it. 

They never look at them the same way. If the enemy comes and hugs them, they will hug the person because they have that compassion that generosity that loves is there. That universal they will hug their enemy because that universal love is there inside of them. They will hug their enemy also the enemy comes to them. They will hug them not knowing that the enemies again back the with the dagger. But this compassion, generosity Love for mankind and all the living beings protect them. 

The faith in the divine protects the number nine, always, they will try to do something larger than life. And when they find this dream, when they find this particular goal in their life, then magic number nine, the sky's the limit. It's wide open for you to do whatever you want to achieve whatever you want. They always somehow will land up into jobs, which are related to people helping people like social works, some kind of humanitarian works in the army sportsmen also wear, Of course, launch products have people come to see them, artists, also, they're very good artists. Then doctors, nurses, psychologists, people who are taking care of, you know, old people, like in the old people home also you will see number nine people then taking care of animals, whatever is in the social welfare, whatever is related to public welfare, whatever is related to people, and the benefit of the community of the society, of the towns of the cities of the world, and of the universe, they will try to focus upon that no matter what they are doing in life, life will automatically get them on these paths. 

No matter what they do. Teaching Yes, it is for changing people, spiritual leaders. One big enemy they have inside of them you're your biggest enemy, right?

 Number nine, one big enemy that is inside of them is anger. Anger, they get angry very fast, very fast. But anger. This is how it is current mood always have the number nine,  I have to tell you something of how to deal with the number nine. If you're good to them, they are angels. If you back to them, they are devils as simple as that I told you to be good to them. And you will never see them bad or angry or you know exploding like a wall candle. This is the one big biggest weakness of the number nine people anger. They have to control their anger. If the scene justice injustice on the street also that we get into the fight, they will not bother them. So it wasn't just unjust somebody was doing bad to someone I had to get in and then they are in big trouble. Bigger trouble than actually there was there existed on the street, they will get into bigger trouble.


This is what is number nine, what. never mess with the number nine I have to tell you. Because if you mess with them, you will lose somebody who can be really nice and very faithful and loyal to you until your last breath and until their last breath. Loyal they're very, very loyal. They will never let you down. They will never let you down.


If they are clear about their intentions, they will never let you down but if you pull them or push them into something that they don't want to do the No matter how much and whatever you try to do, it's not going to work with number nines, they are very rigid, hard-headed one-track mind. This is how they can be it strange or with the closest relationship they can be just very rigid, very stubborn, and angered easily but on the global level. They just are so different. They can be so patient with the faults of others, but when the closest person to them does the same fault. Masaryk makes the same fault. They are like sheep and with that Why did you do that? You know, yeah, but as fast as they are to be to get angry. Immediately they cooldown also. And they can slap someone on the street. You know, you know this thing and if the person falls they will go and get the hand also and say oh are you hurt come Let me take you To the doctor but you shouldn't have done that you know with them now no calculations it's either black either white nothing in gray in between okay so this is very clear.

Then what else did I find a very social people very very social as I said they can adapt easily and people don't feel threatened by the presence people will not feel that oh this person is you know trying to influence me tried to manipulate me manipulation doesn't exist phenomenon they're too straight to manipulate that is they cannot do it. This is why many times people can feel a bit uncomfortable because they might feel people might feel I don't know what this person is going to blurt out you know, I'm saying something that just blurts it out. If you tell them something they will very innocently blurt out where they are not supposed to so they can be naive on those things also and then that can create a mess they don't intend to hurt anyone is just that they can you know, innocently they just blurt out things and then the whole ambiance can become a bit messed up around them.

If number nine learns to control the anger and the impatience yes impatience is inside a lot with number nine I want it right now just now isn't it number nine like kids, I want the chocolate right now mama otherwise I am not doing my homework to understand that and yes, till they don't get the chocolate they are not going to move an inch the battered Child and Adult and older person whatever age they are in they will behave like that.

Somehow number nine people also carry this kind of authority you know, check out a number nine people they can give an awkward feeling to people sometimes we're you know, around them, people can feel a bit awkward around them because they image authority magnetism, you get attracted very easily to them, but at the same time, their authority or there you know, that grounded thing can shake many people, they can look right into your eyes and you know, tell you Okay, now you know to stop playing your games or you know, this kind of thing. They understand at times, they will not even say anything, they will just look at you, and they will know what is going on in your minds. 

But if you are in trouble, then you're number nine friends are the ones to go to. Because number nine is loyal. As I said they are loyal friends. They will fight for you. Like the Bryan Adams, go goes on for you. I'll cry for you. Bla Bla, either die for you. You know it's true. That's how it is with number nine. Yeah. Then let's see what is the negative side we have been speaking about a lot of positive things.

 But yes, the negative side of number nine. Anger. As I said, impatience, impulse impulsively, they can do something impulse, especially those born on the ninth of April. Number nine, ruled by Mars in April, is ruled by Mars. Can you imagine that intensity and the impulse that you keep people can carry inside of you? impulse impatience is one than overly trusting Yes, this is one more thing over trusting us seeing in front of your eyes many times with close relationship with patterns. You see it in front of your eyes mad a number nine of the person is deceiving you, but you're waiting for them to accept that they're deceiving you But till then. Everything is destroyed. The Universal signals to you my dear number nine but you're overly trusting nature doesn't allow you to accept that. So that is a flaw. Also, it is something very positive when you're trusting but when you're overly trusting, you become vulnerable. You are like standing on Armed on the battlefield, know that, my dear number nine, then you are risk-takers. And at times, you can go so far that you risk your lives also. Your tremendous risk-takers, my dear number nine. That's why you are very good at the army in the army. Wherever there is courage required a lot of courage you have inside of you, wherever there is courage required. People will call on you, wherever there is compassion required. People will call on you, wherever there is generosity required, you will be called upon. So that courage is inside of you. But risk, try to take care of that is good to take risks, take calculated risks. When you know that your car doesn't have brakes, you don't need to speed just in that competition, because somebody has said, Okay, I challenge you, let's see who comes first. And then you know that the car doesn't have brakes, and you're just speeding away. And you will come live in that. That's why number nine people are very, very prone to head injuries and accidents. Because of this risk, this impulse is so strong inside of them. Many times they encounter a lot of dangerous situations in their life, life-threatening situations, they end up in many times number nine people have an unnatural that also. Yeah, that's what I've seen. Go back to history and you will see number nine people. Yeah. And then


what are the jobs as I said, armies, boards, whatever includes this cabinet, this determination, this bargaining spirit dislike, I want to make it that that warrior spirit that is inside of you not to give up? No matter how many failures you have, no matter how much your heart is broken. You pick up all the pieces and you construct something and then you again start your life. You never give up. And that's really good. That's perfect. And yes, one more floor you have my dear number nine is that you just don't like to accept help. You don't like to express your pains to others. You feel it is below dignity, to express your pains to others. But it's not you need to speak out sometimes it's really necessary. Because then people will understand that there is a soft heart also on underneath that hard that cold Canopus that cold exterior that you showed to people the ice blocks that you are that you show. And yes, you love arguments so you can be very good at debating also, you love arguments, you love arguments, you like to enter into some kind of if somebody starts arguing with you, then that's it. For the people around it's entertaining to see a number nine and another person just you know, debating their way but number nine just does it all you know that that they have that kind of fixed principles and values that you know, then it becomes pretty tricky. And yes, the worst thing about number nine is that even if they forgive their enemies, they forgive the closest people would have back to them. They don't really forget their faces. And then they know that once that bad experience they have faced they will never be able to trust that person and they tell that person I don't feel bad


because You deceived me. But that I won't be able to trust you anymore in my life. This is their motto. So if you have a number nine who is giving you generously who is giving the love the compassion, preciously was sacrificing their life, their comfort for you. Usually, they do that. Don't give up on them. Stay by the side. understand them why they are like that because the number nine sacrifice For a lover, a number nine can just give up everything, just everything, money, job, material pleasures, everything. And if that lover deceives them, then that's it, they are shaken up. And then those people, you know, they will forgive them after some time. And they will get back to normal, but they will know that they have heard. So, I will never be able to trust no matter how good you try to be how much have tried to come back to them, the chances lost, it's gone. For them, it's over means over no second chances with these people. 

You have to take care of that, my dear ones, with number nine, there are no second chances. So you need to take care of that need to understand that fire that they carry inside. If this fire is extinguished, because of deception, they will never forgive you for putting it off, they will light it back. And they will burn even brighter than before and that will be a punishment to see them so happy and successful in life.

 And number nine, you need to know something is that anger for a cause for some time. Okay, it's okay. But it's never good. Because it is that acid that you're burning with the inside of you. And when you lash it out also advanced people don't be too controlling you had that happen because at times it gives you insecurity. So you can try to control people rather than situations. You can also try to dominate in your close relationships just because of insecurities. You want to know structure things. Like if the pancake is the way it is, you know it is done. It's like oh, no, you shouldn't have done it this way you should have done it that way. 

You know that fire thing is there inside of them. Oh no, you shouldn't do it this way you keep it like this, you keep it like that. Don't be to the perfectionist. Because you want perfection, you keep on diving in life, you keep on walking the lifespan in the search of perfections where you travel a lot, where you want to travel so much because you want to get all these experiences in your bag of soul there inside. And then you want to attend perfection. But perfection also means that you need to be tolerant, you were tolerant, but many times to the wrong people towards the wrong people. The people who are always giving you doing for you, you can overlook that they just choose so you need to take a look at that my dear number nine.

So here we are, I could have gone on and on. But we have a time constraint. And I hope I didn't patrol to sleep. So thank you, my dear. Number nine, stay your magnetic true self. Be honest as you are always for yourself. And don't be too sacrificing live for yourself sometimes. It's okay. You, you have to live for yourself. Sometimes you're your peoples' person, but at the same time, you have a life you have to nurture yourself to take care of yourselves also. Okay mentor number nine, and keep spreading this level of humanity. Keep doing your big jobs for the world, the world peace, to teach people to come on the good path. And if you're the other type of number nine, I really beg you to come back on the good path. Because that is destructive and you're not meant your soul is not meant to be destroyed. You have to save yourself and only you can do it we cannot tell you what you have to do right? You know it will. So thank you very much and please do subscribe. And I will see you next time and please do like share and comment and Yes. Take good care of yourself. Bye-bye. God bless.