Number -6 personality

Hello dear ones, and welcome to the numerological numbers, six. So my dear ones, if you're born on the sixth of the month 24th, or the 15th of the month, then you are number six, it's a magnetic number. It's a very magnetic number, the people who fall under this number are very magnetic, they are very charismatic, they are in love with everything beautiful. The sword I've seen of number six people, they love, everything that is beautiful, you know, if you go to shops, especially the ladies, they will just roll their eyes and just go on all that is beautiful. Number six people they like to get ready, they like to look nice, you know, always they're very well dressed, they have this kind of charisma about them, you know, and they're very easy to get along with also, and I'm also seen about the number six people is that they are pacifist, they don't like fights and you know, they don't like that so much they are like, if you're cool with them, if you're nice with them, they will be like you know, they are cool, you know they are the opposites of like, you know, the six, you inverted it becomes nine.

 So it is the same quality as number nine also that if you are cool and harmonious with them, they are also very harmonious, they will try the level best to bring about peace, they're very pacifist. And I have also seen about number six people is that they are always ready to give the light to just keep on giving the keep on doing for others, that is the problem, they will just do so much. And at the end, they face burnout because they are giving too much and in return. They just seek love, they are not seeking compliments. Basically, number six people don't look for compliments, they are looking for love. Because love is their driving force, it's very important. They look for this appreciation, gestures of love from people and in the close ones for whom they are doing a lot. If they don't give it back, then they just you know, they feel as if they are no good because for them, it's like whatever comes in return to them becomes the driving force in the sense if they get a lot of you know, love in return because they want to give love demonstrate the most caring people also have seen, they're so so caring to the limit, that they forget who they are the sacrifice that devoted partners also. But if the partner doesn't give that love back to them doesn't give that appreciation. And that's comparing them to you know, someone else or something else, then they feel they're no good because that is the negative point in them that they can feel guilty. They can have this kind of you know, this kind of an inferior inferiority complex sometimes, they can also be driven by guilty feelings many times that they hide inside of them. They don't like to show that and I've also seen with number six people is that they can kind of have this kind of timidity inside of them, they can be a bit shy, you know, immediately you know, it's like, not really bubbly. It's like if they get to know you, then they will start opening up.

 But you cannot resist them. They're irresistible because they have this lovely charm inside of them. Just watch this smile, just look at them. They're very they can be very motherly also, yes, very fiercely protective about the family members. fiercely protective, I have seen them fiercely protect, you say something that they can be also attached a lot to the parents. And if you say something against the family members well this is where you know that you are inviting trouble upon yourselves because they are very protective. If you're their friend, they'll be very protective of you as a friend also, diplomacy is something that they are very good at. So this is why they make very good diplomats also the way they speak also, they will never like to hurt anyone, but they will try to say the nastiest things most adequately until you really cross there until you cross the limits then they can you know, get closed inside of them or they can just say one harsh word or something here and there. But never tried to criticize the number six people because they live and disclose like flowers and disclose inside of them. Whenever you are in parties or some variable see that the number six people they will automatically you know, draw people towards them. They have this charisma inside of them. 

I've also seen that they're very attached also to the close loved ones do ones to their friends. They're very, very attached on Many times they can be a victim to jealousy also because you know they have the carry that charm inside of them. So they can be like that they can carry this charm and sometimes people will not want to to see them charming everyone just by their presence you know they can easily charm anyone and because of that they can attract jealousies upon them and then you know they can be a victim to rumors gossips and you know the great point now it goes so this can be quite possible with them but I have also seen about number six people is that often in relationships they will face deceptions because they overly giving the overly trusting yeah it's a child's heart that you people carry inside of you and deceptions you have to be careful with deceptions many do number six. After all, they can be deceived very easily because people will rope them into something and say okay let's do this for a cause this is for that and they like to help people more than leaders they are very good followers also.

 So because of that what can happen is that people can manipulate them they get manipulated easily also and because of that, what happens is that they enter into something and then when it comes to playing the blame game everybody puts the number six in front of a This one has done this yet so people manipulate them and because of that there are a lot of deceptions in the relationships because they're so trusting because they feel everything is as if because they are clear so they feel everyone is clear but it's not like that job number six you need to take care of that because you really really need to protect yourself Don't be over-trusting because you're overly trusting and because of that people take undue advantage of you you take people at face value but you know in today's world people were so many mass media number six so you need to take care of those manipulations so manipulations and deceptions can happen in the life of number six very very easily.

Then I see also number six people the need to be careful with something the downside I'm gonna tell you is that downside for number six is the overly sensual, yeah the sensuality plays a very important role. So because of that they can be Yeah, I mean the thoughts you know of over sensuality can be quite present. So they have to balance this over sensuality because otherwise you know they can fall into traps of wrong things or you know get into excessive physical pleasures which can give them problems regarding their reproductive system later in life. So, this thing has to be balanced My dear number six everything in balance is good but this is like your oozing with this charm this kind of you know sensuality and physically attractive that you are so automatically You know, this thing lands into Ah yeah, it gives you know how do I put it I need to put it really well is that it gives you an edge over everybody else okay because this is what you emit. So people get attracted to you but in that what can happen is that as you're very loving and very caring and things like that you can get carried away also and enter into some kind of relationships which are not very good for you that can be toxic. So you need to control that my dear number six is that over sensuality is good but to what extent that you have to decide your limits okay. And I mean physical pleasures are normal, but not in excess, okay? Because this can be the tendency, I don't say for everyone, but this can be a tendency of number six people to get carried away into you know, excessive physical pleasure. So, be balanced upon that. 

Then what is the other negative aspect of this number? Well, they can be very, very emotional. They are very indecisive also sometimes why in this is, why I was wondering why are you people indecisive and indecisive because they cannot break anybody's heart. It's as simple as that. Because for them, it's Like if I say no I'm breaking somebody's heart so you know they're always in this conflict is like okay they want to do something but then they go two steps ahead become two steps behind so they are just you know they are like just going ahead coming back many of the times regarding very close this especially happens in the relationships.

 My dear number six is what I've noticed is that when it comes to relationships they are really confused because they don't want to hurt anyone and as they are full of love what happens is that well it can lash back on them also so number six needs to be a bit more straight and you know they need to just you know sometimes you have to break out because you cannot be everything to everyone right so logically speaking you will have to break hearts made no mistake sometimes yeah and most probably yeah many of them as you're so magnetic and he has ruptures also I've seen that ruptures also take place in their life a lot also because they give a lot in a relationship and at the end they realize that they have been giving to a wrong person so because of that the the relationship you know it breaks because only one person was given and that was number six so because of that number six has to be very careful when making a choice of a life partner or you know when they choose somebody to love the they shouldn't just look at the physical aspect of a person as wow looks nice are your sensuality will play against you over there but also they have to see if this person is really a steadfast person is is the person really stable yeah you need to take care of that also and yes avoid emotional blackmailing also some as I said children This is the child's heart and you know children really know how to emotionally blackmail their parents Yeah. So this thing keeps on growing with the for the number six people it can be like that many times they can you know, they can resort to emotional blackmail and just like kids, not big things, but you know, like on small things to escape some kind of blame or something they can emotionally blackmail the very closest people and then you know, this is just to escape from the discomfort of confusion that they resort to this what I've seen also and yes, timidity is also one of the things which is a negative trait for number six because you have that it's strange because you at one point you're so magnetic and you attract people towards you but at the same time you're so timid on certain things so you shouldn't be timid you have to speak what you feel like my dear number six.

And yes the other negative aspect also is overspending for luxuries the love beautiful things out and many times what happens is that they can spend a lot to you know, get those wow things in their house for them for clothing for jewelry and things like that they can get that I'm laughing I'm in life but number 33 years six it comes to also so Yeah, me too I will resonate with all those things that are found over here. And I also see that number six people have to take care of one very important thing, which is a very detriment to factor number six and that is self-doubt the moment the number six people will fall into self-doubt that's it finished. They will lose everything they will lose just everything so just be careful. Never doubt yourself mind you number six never doubt yourself. Be confident be that magnet okay? Which wants to attract all the good things in your life. And don't doubt yourself you have tremendous capacities don't mean that confusion will I won't I just you know, jump into it and see I mean, till you don't do it. You know what? The person who risked nothing gets nothing is nothing will be nothing. Just know that. 

Yeah, you have to risk sometimes you keep on mewling over things to keep on thinking, will this work out with land work, won't that work out and what happens at the end, the self-doubt all the opportunities right? where they go right in front of your eyes and you're just watching well, while some other people just take it up here, if there is a number one will immediately take it up. But with number six, this is the thing they spend too much time the procrastination is too much, they keep spending too much time regarding certain decisions, you know, they don't come to the decisions and then what happens is that others make the decisions for them, because they cannot watch themselves over there because they don't want to break somebody's heart they don't want to be seen as Yeah, that image is also very important. They don't want to be seen as somebody who breaks somebody's heart to says nor is nasty or something like that. So because of that being goody all the time doesn't help manager number six, you need to take care of them, get out of those serve dogs and you know, just give it a cake and just see how much you can achieve the moment number six, get the self-doubt and indecisiveness out of their life, they will be the most successful people because they are blessed by the Venus.

They are completely short word by this beauty these wonderful aspects, this, you know, this attractiveness that you people have, you will see that, okay, and yes, for the careers of number six, as you are very caring, very giving pacifists and, and be very stable when it comes to your job. You know, like, focus when it comes to your job. Well, you can be very good doctors, anything in the service industry is really recommended for the number six because they can be very good doctors, they can be very good managers. They can be very good PRS then they can be very good Teachers, very good guides, teachers, psychologists because they like to understand they like to sit and they like to listen to people also. Then, of course, fashion designers, interior decoration. People like interior designers, they can be very good at it because all that is about beauty. Yeah. So when it comes to service and beauty, well join that and that's the thing for you my dear number six, so when the sky's the limit because there is so much for you to achieve in whatever direction you want too much. Yes, whatever in was caring for people healthcare services, or, you know, hotel industry also or even they're very good actors also because whatever is related to beauty to express the beauty and then whatever is related to the cosmetic industry also can be really attractive for you than whatever it was beauty and service. This is where number six people like sell very well and yes, teaching then guides and you shouldn't forget one thing my dad number six is that even if you are you know, you like the beauty of the material, know that there is this very wonderful inner spiritual force that is inside of you because that divine light is inside of you.

 So you need to balance it because there is always this tug of war between the material and the spiritual that goes on inside of you. Yeah. So you need to take care of that. At the same time, you can be spiritual, but at the same time, you're attracted to material things. So it creates the opposite forces. So you need to balance it. So meditation is the key to that. Yes. So thank you number six, I think I have covered whatever I could. Yes. So let me know in your comments. How did you like the article? And please do like, share and comment. And be your magnetic self. Okay, my dear. numbers. Bye-bye. Take good care of yourself. Bye. God bless