Number -7 personality

 Hello dear friends and welcome to the numerology personality trait number seven. So if you're born on the seventh, if you're born on the 16th or the 25th, then you are number seven and water number seven people like well, number seven people it's very difficult to fathom your people. Because you're so deep. You're like the deep sea. Yeah, everything is really hidden. Everything is very deep. And you don't allow anyone to really reach there to find out you're very mysterious right? people when they look at you, they might find you a bit mysterious because they cannot make out what you are. But what are you this is what we are here to know that you people were really kind of fascinated and drawn to you're attracted to everything unknown, everything that is unseen, undiscovered? And you are like those explorers who like to just study on your own to find out the mysteries that are hidden in this world about this universe. So you can be someone who reads a lot with a lot on the computers trying to get a lot of information. Yeah. Or is going to the library and you know, finding books to find those answers for the mysteries of nature.

 Your deep thinkers, my number seven people, you are really deep thinkers. I see that you like to be more in your own company you're extremely I would say overly independent number seven people are the kind of people who can live their life all alone without feeling alone actually. This is what you are you're so independent you don't need anyone that's what I've seen. You can you know, you can just pick up a book or if you have a hobby you can just do that when you're outside you can appear very social and very warm with the moment anybody intrudes in your private space and that's not really nice that is what you don't like so much my number seven people you don't like it so much the moment there is the moment that is an intrusion in your private space oh it kind of imbalances you from inside is like okay as far as you're far it's fine but don't come too close Yeah, like kind of touch me not plant you know, as far as you're fine on the distance it's okay but the moment you touch that touch me not plant what is the Mimosa?  So if you touch it immediately it closes itself. So you are exactly those who touch me not that do you feel like the distance is better. 

So even in your closest relationships, many times what happens is that this vibration of number seven is a distancing vibration in distances, crazy, people can find you very cold, or, you know, antibiotic or you know, they can find you cold. For me, I would say, you can be seen as somebody who is very cold, but at the same time, you're a very genuine person. The moment we try to know you a little bit more, we understand that you're extremely knowledgeable people, the number of books that you read, of course, you're extremely knowledgeable people and can be very good at debating also, because you have all the facts, you have all the knowledge and you're very deep. So you can be very good at debating. You can be very good when it comes to you know, give out your knowledge or share your knowledge. But after that, what happens is that again, you prefer to fall inside of you, or you don't get back inside of you. It's like okay, I have had it all. Now I'm going back to my shell. I'm going back to my cave, I'm going back to my cocoon. Yeah, this is how number seven people are.

 They will not really share the problems with everyone. Very few of number seven people have seen them sharing problems with others, but not even like to find solutions to your own problems. And in that what happens is that then you go into that into inspection state then that overthinking then in the introspection, you analyze you're very good at analyzing then you try to come back to the solutions and then you figure out where did it go wrong and then you try to correct that I have always seen number seven people if you tell them that you're not happy with them about a particular thing you know what they do? They don't lash back at you they will correct it and they will never repeat it and that's really nice because otherwise you have to nag people like what have you done don't repeat this and then number seven people are so studious or they are so BGN somewhere inside of them and they are so perfect is that the moment you tell them please don't do this you know this is not supposed to be done this way. They will never repeat it they will never repeat the same mistake again. They will make a new one they will never repeat the same mistake again.

 Number seven you're a universe in yourself, isn't it? You can have friends but not many know you you're a mystery urine enigma. I also see for number seven people is that the very good researchers when it comes to jobs and very good researchers, archaeologists researchers, they can be very good at informatics the ones who can also make those applications you know, they can really create they have wonderful ideas they have the genius inside of them you have to use it My dear number seven if you haven't yet okay. They can be very good writers, they can be very good operators also because there is so much of knowledge in there is that yes, they can be very good operators also saying that they can be very good in the medical field also, where you need a lot of focus surgeons, yes number seven surgeons focus wherever the focus is required, this is where number seven people are very good, wherever lots of studies, lot of revealing and leashing of something is required. This is where number seven people Excel a lot. 

Very good as spiritual guides, yoga practitioners, meditation, astrological priests, this is all the universe of number seven. Whatever requires a lot of studies, whatever requires a lot of focus. Whatever it requires lots of isolation is number seven. The negative points of number seven or can be very isolated. They like to be isolated. They are really really isolated. They like to close themselves. They can at times be less talkative so people feel are they interested in talking to us? Are we so boring that no one will talk to us? Actually, it's number seven they are like that. They are like that. As far as you are there for some time it's fine. The moment you start to intrude in the private space they feel as if you are an intruder look at your number seven friend yes number seven partner whoever is number seven look at them and try to see you know they have a very you know, they will be with you Everything fine but they will seclude isolate themselves afterward the need that very much and if you stop a number seven from isolating themselves when you are inviting trouble because they will not feel good inside of them. I told you they are well, they are the ones who can go on in life all alone. They don't need anyone this so independent. 

So independent. They just don't need anyone. They will chat with you for an hour or two. They will give all the knowledge out afterward Okay, fine. I have to go back to my room and I have to read or I have to go back and I have to play my musical instrument and I have to go on my computer I have to do my stuff. We are always in the process of creation in the process of introspection, this like 100% introspection all the time going on in this mind Have number seven, which is the most spiritual number, very high in frequency seven is the number of completion, they are completely inside of them, this is why they don't need anyone, most of the time, it's very difficult to be a partner with the number seven. That's really difficult because they are there, but they are not there. And if you're the bubbly number three kind of person Well, well, well, in a way, it's good because you will keep on speaking and number seven will just keep on listening to you. But if you are also the quieter type like number five, then it can be a bit difficult. This is why number seven people stay single for very long.

 They can almost as I said, they can go on without a marriage also, they can you know, try out new people for experiences. But at the end of the day, they are back home in their own corners. Find. They don't need anyone to feel what people need you my dear number seven, so much to give their why not express because then you misunderstand. You feel people are bad, they misunderstand me I am not loved, but it's not. So give them a chance to love you. Give them a chance to understand you. 

If you behave like an archeological site, then it takes a lifetime for us to see what is in there. Isn't it the main challenge of the number seven people are that they have to maintain a balance? a balance between having your own company and a balance that there are people outside waiting for you to okay. So you need to know that you need people. Each of us because man is a social animal, we need people, otherwise, our hearts will suffer. Okay, the heart suffers loneliness, always the heart will have a problem if you're lonely. Know that magic number seven. So you need to go out you need to meet people, you have to keep a balance. Don't be too much or too less. Okay, this is your life challenge is to balance is to know that you need to know people you need to have the perspective also because that can also be very enriching for yourself. Even if you are very intelligent, you are a genius.

 But you still need the perspectives of others. It's fun. It's good to be curious. This is your challenge module number seven. Your challenge is to find yourself and also to find yourself through others, the feedbacks. It's nice to read a book. It's nice to be on the net. But it's nice to be with people. That there they are hungry for your knowledge, you have to give it to them. It's nice to be mysterious, but not your whole life. Otherwise, people might just go somewhere else and this happens in relationships. 

You get really misunderstood mind your number seven. And then once again, you feel melancholic inside of you this is the negative aspect. You become introvert, you become melancholic you close yourself. Listen to the negative aspect. And you can be very individualist and extremely independent. But know that if you're put on this earth, in the body of a human being it's for a reason. And the reason is to socialize to be with everyone to give them a drop of your wisdom because you're such wise souls. Need to give that to them. magic number seven. You're quiet, isn't it inside of you. You're quiet, you're deep. But you have to allow certain people to do Know this depth inside of you. Don't let people misunderstand you because your quiet nature can make them understand you in a negative way they will feel you're an ice block. You are frozen, you don't have emotions, you have a problem with your emotions. That's not true.

 In fact, you're so sensitive inside, but you're scared, you're vulnerable, isn't it? So my dear number seven, well, I would have gone on speaking and speaking about you, but we have a time constraint. So I will stop over here. And I would really like to tell you to open up a bit, go enjoy. And at the same time, allow people to come into your life also, it's fun. It's going to be nice. They need your wisdom. They need your guidance. You're such a wonderful guide. You see things from all perspectives, not just in one way. You see all the sides of the coin from the bank up every sermon, you see. So we need that wisdom from you. So thank you, my dear. Number seven. It was nice to try to fathom your depths. And please do like, share and comment if you haven't yet. And I wish you a wonderful journey ahead with some loved ones ready to take those jobs of wisdom that you pour that rain. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. God bless Bye.