Number -8 personality

Hello dear friends and welcome to the number eight personality trait so if you're born on the 8th the 17th or the 26th of the month, well, this is for you.  So let's get started minute number eight. What does number eight all about? Well, number eight is all about Power Authority. So about logic, it's all about achieving it is all about enterprising. It is all about domination. When we speak about number eight, this word comes you know, to light number eight people can be very, very hard working now look at those extremes, eight is how do you write an eight. So these are like, for me, it is like the two zeros that are joined together that make the number eight, okay, so one part of number eight, the upper part that I'm taking okay of your digit, alright, the upper part of the number eight, that is the zero of the number eight about Okay, two zeros are joined that make the number eight for me, all right. So one part is very hard working, okay, so one can have the people on the number eight can be very hard working, or the other extreme is very lazy, don't want to do anything.

 They can be extremely communicative, can go out, communicate, get things done immediately. Or on the other hand, they can be very quiet, they are very quiet, they're very withdrawn. So always this number eight is in a fight, okay, with its own self, there is always a fight inside the number eight that goes on. I see that number eight people can achieve whatever they want. Because for them, the material gains are extremely important, they have to make themselves rich, they have to make themselves very comfortable in life, they will start small, but they will end big provided that laziness of that other part of them doesn't take over them. What happens is that they are so comfort-oriented people is that they will always want to put all the effort into achieving everything that can bring comfort in their lives. Most of the time, I see number eight people are very successful people, they can be very well placed in society. No matter what job you give them, they will really excel in these jobs, no matter what job they are in. 

They can make very good advocates start with, they can be very good psychiatric, they can be very good police officers because you know it's the domination that power okay that comes very good directors of films are at the enterprise in the enterprise also in the companies very good managers will motivate the team you know because for them achievement is extremely important. The bottom line of number eight is an achievement they have to achieve they have to shine, they have to have the center stage everybody has to look at them as somebody successful if that myth and that material success is very important for them. Because if that success is not coming into their life then they will feel like a fish out of water. They are not Fineman, they have to have success. Which is material success. If at all. They don't attain those heights. Then this ambitious number eight which is inside of them this energy of ambition of achievement and drive that is inside of them will not allow them to sleep at night. They can have a lot of problems accepting that I am not being in the public eye I am not shining. I am not being recognized. I am no richer. I am no more luxurious. I'm not living my luxurious life from a comfortable life. And this can make the number eight completely unsatisfied in life. Then the number eight can swing to the other side. Even if they are just doing okay in life, you know what can happen is that there is always a desire in the number to have more okay.

 This is that material. the very important thing is that once more and more and my denim beige you need to be careful With this because more will keep on going on plus blue spruce that we say yeah, plus, plus, yeah, but there is never an end to more, but there is an end to our energies. And that can end a lot of things. So at times what can happen with number eight people is that in this desire to have more, they can really risk a lot of things. And they can face big losses in life. Sometimes, to just you know, display that they are living a comfortable life, they can almost, you know, take a lot of loans or risk money, a lot of, you know, quick money schemes are how to say, quick money schemes, or, you know, the risky money games where they will invest, and then they lose a lot of money in that they can lose a lot of money. And many times, number eight people can be the people who go bankrupt, if they have taken too many risks are, they can really, I'm an experience very heavy losses financially speaking in life, and left with nothing in hand. 

So you need to be very careful in my deal number eight about that because you will attract money because its number eight is of abundance also so you will attract money. But what happens you see money, which we call Lakshmi prosperity, it's a Maya it's an illusion, you need to know that and the more we run behind it, the less she comes to us, okay? The prosperity the richness The more we are following money run behind the money, the money runs ahead goes away from us you have to know that and when you put in your efforts and you just general come down to we'll come back to you my gentle bite, you have to know that.

 So if you are in that, first part of that, and then what can happen is that you can also lose whatever you have in hand, my dear number eight, so you need to take care of that you really need to take care of that don't fall a victim to getting more and more and more money. You have to set your limits and say I'm satisfied. Yes depends on what you are satisfied with the right because human nature is getting more and more. But in the case of number eight, it is I want the most it can happen like that, alright, you are visionaries. Number eight people are really visionaries, you know, and I have also noticed in number eight people is that they can anticipate certain things that are coming, they can anticipate that and they can position themselves to meet the future challenges. And that is why my dear number eight, what happens is also is that you are the ones who also attract challenges in your life, your life is never a straight line. Always roller coasters, always roller coasters, their challenges, the hard work is that there is sometimes there is a lot of bad luck also that falls, you know, sometimes you're going to get something and then suddenly you lose something on the way as it is you're ruled by the Saturn. So there is karma that is also playing in your life by the number eight. If you're born under this number of 8,17 or 26 you need to know that you have certain accounts to be settled in this life. You are not born under a number just for the sake of being born under that number nothing is by his dad, nothing is by chance, my dear number eight. And other numbers also need to understand that when we are born under one certain number, there is something that we have to achieve when we are born under certain signs also an astrocyte and that is something that we need to learn about. those aspects of things we have to learn about it. Nothing is by chance. 

We are in a classroom where we are learning and number eight. You are the first bench student here. Who has to do a lot of homework in this life and that's why what happens is that many times in the lives of number eight people thanks to their enterprising nature this kind of determination that they have they will make a big mark for themselves they will not get unnoticed but what happens is that look how the illusion also plays when this game of illusion starts in your life of getting a bit something more here are you try to leave what's in your hand to go to get something else and then when you come back what you had is gone. So that's again the game that you are put in regarding your personal relationships, it can be difficult because number eight is a very karmic number regarding relationships Be it with your very close relationships usually there is something at work always never very easy, it's always getting losing getting losing many times at number people this happens until and unless they're really grounded by very strong parents or very strong partners you know, who will really like kind of La we are going to route you Yeah, but otherwise, what happens is that number eight has very much this kind of rigidity inside also and because of that, what happens is that the number eight people can lose their partners, because of either it is extremely laziness, not wanting to take responsibilities of the family or it can also be over controlling taking so much in the power and being so bossy with your partner is that at the end the partner gets a bit overwhelmed with now, the partner can get overwhelmed just because they don't have any role to play with it because you are managing the whole thing. Otherwise the other extreme Yeah.

 So, number eight people really need to take care of that. Moreover, what happens with number eight people is that they associate everything with their material comfort and even when it comes to relationships it is associated with the comfort of them we are then inseparable. Yeah, the material and the sentimental it is all associated it is all bound like that just chained. So, if a number eight-person is not doing materially Well, the direct consequences fall on his or her sentimental life or a couple of life or family life and at times becomes very difficult to mend the damage that is done because of this particular aspect. of the of your nature, my dear number eight, right, what I have also seen and observed aware is that number eight, people need to be very careful the way they express also, because as I said, either they're speaking too much or nothing. Okay. So if you're speaking too much, I think it is already It is something good.

 But if you are not peeking enough that said, if you're just quiet, you are harming the relationship number eight, and this is why I've always seen number eight people are the people who really, really face a lot of problems in their relationships, especially with the father figure, especially with the Father, I would say that I have seen there is a problem in the relationship there. Again, it's karmic, okay. So I've seen that. Number eight people really have some kind of either the relationship is really good, or it's so distant and it's so cold with the Father. Because I presume that this authority or this in a drive that you have about establishing yourself your own guru that you are inside of you, me mine and I am you know in control of myself. What happens is that the Father is authority and you are number eight, so for you, you are your own authority. So the relationship with the father can get trained but if the father is understanding towards your inner drive and supports you then this is the best relationship that can involve moreover I've also noticed for number eight people is that they get married either too early or too late.

 If they get married too early then they are wondering why did we do that and later in life, the chances of succeeding in the marriage are more so number eight people have two really balance for them the keys to balance that inner urge of achievement of making it big in the life, of course, everybody has that urge, but in number eight it is because they are born and that they are like that they want to become that they want their name to be seen on the top you know shining it is then they have to do that they have to feel that and if they don't become that, then they feel they're a failure.

 The other challenges for number 8 also are that to achieve their goals, at times, they can go to some ways which are not very healthy. rather like I would say manipulations and they can become manipulating even without realizing that they're manipulating just because they want to achieve that something they might become like that. Again, this is the drive for the achievement that makes them like that material achievement the money, the power, the comfort the luxury. 

The second negative point about number eight people is that they can be a quite one-track mind you know rigid, very rigid one track in the head, it's like this, it's like this, they don't want to see it otherwise, one-track mind it can be they can be very obsessive also when it comes to certain things that they love the life they can be obsessive about that particular thing also they can get this can be the negative things and destructive also they can get whatever you have achieved my dear number eight, what happens is that just because with your partner, there are some issues of rigidity or things like that, you can just walk out of the relationship especially the number eight men, they can be like that.

 So they need partners who are very understanding towards them, we have to really understand that this man has an urge to achieve so let's support him. But if the other person is very spiritual in nature and has nothing to do with the material things has the least interest in material things, then they're my dear number eight, either they will try to make you more balanced or you will part ways that are the number eight. Problem also. With number eight ladies have seen that they will be very enterprising, just like the number eight men also very enterprising, go-getters, they can build their own and buyers, the business empire second very, no matter where you put number eight people I would always say I cannot see what is a very good job for them, maybe they can be good surgeons also, but wherever you put them the hardworking, if that other extreme of laziness is not there inside of them, they're hardworking, you just put them there and they will do a great job because that forces the that has been given to them to meet life's challenges. And this starts with meeting the material challenges that they face in life.

 So either these two extremes they are selecting in those, as I said that this put it this way is two extremes. They're oscillating higher or really low. They are oscillating in these two directions. Number eight people, either they are getting a lot in their life and become successful, extremely successful. Yeah, otherwise extremely failures, extreme failures. Failures mean what? Where they are losing very important things in their life. That also can happen just because of laziness just because of rigidity.

 The one thing about number eight is also that they need material comforts, to feel a balance in the family, for the family life to be happy, they wait with the material comforts that they have in life, many times, it's like that, if they are really sound material, then they are really happy about it, then they are really, really happy about it. But if they feel that, oh, I am not materially very sound, then it reflects on their family life, and then the problems can begin in the family life. So my dear number eight, I would really like to tell you something, if you maintain, if you come to a point wherein you maintain a balance between your personal life and your material life, try to bring these two forces together, try to balance these two. If you balance these things, like my sentiments, and my personal life has nothing to do with what I am, you know, like my material gains and my material comforts. Yeah, of course, a little bit. Yes, of course, it's logical. 

But at the same time, if you maintain this balance between your personal life, and your societal image, and your material life, the day we'll be able to do it, my dear. Number eight, you're invincible, you will achieve whatever you want in life, you will be completely unbeatable. Because you have been put purposely by the divine under this number, to balance these two aspects, to strike this healthy balance between your inner life and your outer life, don't make your outer life the detrimental factor of the happiness of your inner life. My joy number eight. Because you know what, you have so many, so many things to be successful in life. Just that one vacuum that I see number eight people suffering with is the emotional vacuum. Because they just a times go so much in the material realm that they forget to feed their emotional and spiritual realm. Later in life, number eight realizes the spiritual realm because again, it is infinity it is the spirituality. 

So you see how and why I'm saying that this is a very karmic number. Because this is like rapid evolution you're putting to my dear. Number eight, it is you're born under the Infinity number. It is the rapid evolution that you're put into. So today also, if you don't have the job that you desire, or you are not, you know, like, having a lot of material comforts and things like that. Just make a list of things that you have a smile about it, you know, and be grateful about that. Because the more grateful you are, the more you're going to attract things to be grateful about in your life. And you, you become rich, you're born under this number. But don't forget my dear number eight, that you have a spiritual mission too. You have a mission also towards nourishing your emotional life also. Yeah, so cherish all those people who are around you. And mostly number eight people I've seen also get associated with number eight people. So these are all your soul guides who come into your life and you know, there are three driving forces afterward. So you notice that so well, my job number eight. Here you are. It is quite a deep number. And it's quite an infinite number never ends. Things go on. This is the cycle of life that you're born on. Though number eight is the cycle of life for me is going on and on and on and on and on goes on to the two zeros as I said, you know, but one of the zeros is not attached to this, the best part is not the fact. So what is happening is that which is going on, which is going on is like, doesn't add and doesn't end. And you also have to know that you are here for a purpose. And as you're born, or the number of the infinity of learning spirituality of achieving a balance, try to achieve all those things because you are not born under this number just for the sake of it. 

As I said, none of us is born under any number for the sake of it. This is a karmic number, a very important number that you're born under. To achieve my dear number eight. And don't worry, if you have lost money, if you are not materially very, very sound don't worry about that. Just shake up yourself and gather your guts and gather all this inspiration that is inside of you on this drive that is inside of you to achieve things and go and grab whatever life has to give you and yes be thankful for all those loved ones who are there supporting you in that don't forget them they're back home, every day they are giving you something very very precious, those material things might not give you my Gen number eight. So thank you my dear number eight for reading to me. Please do like share and comment. And please do let me know also like what you're going through as number eight, How are things with you? I would really really love to know that I would like to you know, dive deeper into this infinity. Thank you very much. Please do like, share and comment, and stay blessed it stains and I'd stayed around all the time. And yes, balance is the keyword for you. Bye-bye. God bless. Take care. Bye