Number -5 personality

Hello everyone and welcome to the numerology personality number five. So how are number five people? Well, the number five people, they are completely enthusiastic people, they're full of life, they just want to enjoy life, this is what I've seen. Very, you know, they can be very talkative, when they have this, you know, when you're at the beginning, they might seem very shy. And the moment you know, they get to know you, they can be very talkative, they can open up, right, and they are very, you know, they want to enjoy every moment, wherever they are, they just want to enjoy that ambiance, if they are feeling comfortable, they will enjoy it. However, they don't like any opposition, if you start opposing them in something, then they can become very rebellious, they can you know, then they can be a bit they can argue with your they can enter into a debate did just don't make any opposition's so what I have noticed also with the number five people, they don't like fights also but you don't have to oppose them. If they are in a kind of state, wherein they need your understanding. And if you start telling them, well, this is this, this is not right with you or that is not right with you, then they will never open up to you, they will just close the doors and you know, they will react very strongly and you might not know why have they behave like that? or What did I see, so that I get this lash back upon me, right.

 So this is the typical number five, however deep within the like, piece wherever they are, they would like peace, if you see, if you see your number five friends and someone, the moment somebody starts arguing around them or the ambiance becomes a bit tense a bit conflictual, and they will just, you know, they will just try to pacify things. That was it, okay, it's fine. You know, like this kind of pacifist, this is what number five people are, they don't like fives, they don't like arguments, they really like to have harmony, wherever they dwell in the family, or with the parents with their brothers and sisters, they would like to have, you know, this kind of harmony and, you know, have this kind of warmth around them, this is very important for them to have this warmth around them. Because the inside of them, they can be quite unsettled people. Number five, they just like to you know, they're quite changeable inside of them. It's like, they like to explore new things. So this is why number five, love to travel a lot you like to travel, you like to explore new cultures, new people. So this travel is as if it's like a portion of food for you, wherever you go, or a new place that you go, it kind of nourishes you with a lot of experiences. 

And this is why I'm also saying that number five people are the ones who settle very late in life, they can get married earlier in life, but the maturity comes pretty much later in life, I would say after the age of 40, that the number five people will start, you know, really calming down inside of them, and planning to settle themselves once and for all. But even if they are married at an earlier age, they are so much impulsive, they're so much in the need of change, that if the partner of the number five, is not really in harmony with this speed with this, you know this, this hunger, for newness for speed or for you know, accepting or enjoying life completely with a lot of humor, and with a lot of new things around, then they can just get bored. 

This is why I've also seen a lot of people with the number five they really have problems with their very closest relationships, especially with their partners, they can have a lot of problems unless and until the other person is you know very much also flamboyant or you know, go-getters are loving, to travel-loving to enjoy everything in life is because they're full of life. So they want their partners to be like that. But if the partner is really boring, really too quiet and you know, not really on the same page and then then the number five people can get bored and they can walk out of the relationship out of the marriage and might want to find new horizons somewhere else where they feel accepted where they feel loved. This is what I've seen also with number fives and what I've also seen is that number five people are in love with love, actually, they need love the intensity is too high for love.

 So very few people can meet this intensity with them. So you have to be if you are with a person who is number five, you have to be really, you know, giving them that care that attention that loves that this so much needs, because otherwise, they start closing inside of them. And what happens is that afterward, they feel they are prisoners, and then the depression starts, and then at one point in time, they cannot take it anymore, and they can just walk out of a relationship and everybody will wonder what happened. But there they have not nourished the heart needs a lot of nourishment of appreciation a lot of attention. Also, this is what number five's need in their life.

 And they're always like when they're growing up, they're quite in search of that soulmate connection. And if they don't find that soulmate, they are a bit you know, inside of them, they can get miserable in life to find that particular connection with someone with whom they would like to share their life. But what happens is that this number five, later on in life, when they come down when they have you know, harvested lots of experiences through the travel through meeting different people through you know, a lot of experiences of life at that time in the 40s in the late 40s then the field that he has now is the time that I have to settle down, I have understood what life is all about. 

So it's quiet I would say the path for number five is not always easy because it's all about a lot of types of experiences. Unless and until they find parents or partners who really you know, kind of structure them and teach them how to be in how to be stable in something. This is what is very important. And think about number five's is also that they are extremely independent so you try to control them they will not like it they're independent inside of them, however, the need to be disciplined because discipline is lacking in the number five they can be in a project they can start to get started with a project with lots of enthusiasm Okay, come on let's do this. And then they might get bored and they can just you know say okay fine, I'm not interested in this anymore they can jump out of the project that easily as they enter into that project. So then number five you have to be very careful you have to have discipline because you have lots of intelligence you can be quite a genius but discipline is everything for you.

 If discipline is lacking what happens is that you can lose lots and lots of things which could have been really really nice for you my dear number five write professionally you've been very good in jobs that allow you to move to travel to meet new people every day. So whatever involves travel wherever involves yeah moving rather traveling for work are you know long-distance travel short distance travel and so on meeting new people every day. So it can be in the medical field it can be teaching also because when you're meeting new students every day is you can be into sales you can be as a tour manager or to tour organizers are you know, a travel guide also you can be very well into that or a photographer or you can also be a doctor a very good doctor where you are, you know, conversing with different kind of patients every day. So, whatever it was a lot of variety, or whatever involves a challenge to your intellect also, is very, very much how to say advisors suggested for you professionally speaking, but something that can get into monotony, you might really lose interest very fast. 

If things are too monotonous, then you know, you can just get bogged up in it and you might just think of Okay, now I'm going to start something new. This is how it goes also so you can feel that was probably you add, the number three people can you know, you can be on the same rhythm also. And you can be very good friends with number three people. This is what I've seen because there are a lot of things, you're going to enjoy their company because there are a lot of things that you can bind you well, but the stabilizing factors for you will be that of like the number 10 will be a stabilizing factor in your life that can put You know, in the proper structure, this is what I've seen also, but you can be very good friends with number 3, this is what I have seen so far, you will let me know how you know, otherwise, what are the other numbers that you can really really get along well with and you people, the number five people are really the idealists when it comes to relationships. They idealize a lot. And if it doesn't meet the reality, that's it, the illusion is broken. And the misery strikes in a relationship. So you shouldn't idealize a lot, my dear, number five, and you're full of life, and you're enthusiastic.

 So whatever is also regarding organizing events, organizing parties, or starting something, this is something that number five people can do it very well, they're very good at getting everybody together for a nice common cause, or, you know, to do something, and people will follow them because they have this very easy way of relating with everyone. And as they are very much, you know, enthusiastic, and it is so contagious, and they are very good at motivating also. So it's also contagious is that whenever they want to do something, you know, like, when they present ideas, like, Well, why not? You know, let's try that out. So this is how the number five usually works. Okay.

 So what is the downside of number five? Well, the downside of number five, as I said, is impulse and lack of discipline, and not liking opposition. Opposition is going to arise, my dear number five in life, life is like that you cannot have everyone on the same page. And you have you hate backbiting, right. And that is also one of the things that makes you very special, this is a positive thing that I'm saying. But at the same time, if somebody is backbiting in front of you about someone, you know, you will just you know, be very sharp, and you will just tell them to just, you know, keep quiet doesn't concern you just let it be you. So that can be sometimes very harsh. So you have to take care of how you communicate. expression is usually a problem manager. Number five, you don't see what you really want, you always see the opposite thing. Why is that? So my dear number five, you have to say what you want, like the sound or say what you want here. So this is how you have to be, you have to express because when you don't express, what happens is that you face challenges, they're up there, and over here also in your heart, you will feel that pain in your heart because you cannot express and when you express, you express exactly the opposite thing than what you want. 

So what happens is that it can create deeper misunderstanding with very close relations, you have to take care of that unexpressive nature or that expression, which is something very much opposed to what it is supposed to be when you love something you say you love it. When you don't like something you say you don't like it, but don't, you know, put somebody into confusion regarding that because people just listen to what they want to listen to. And if you are just, you know, saying something else, and you're wanting something else, then my idea number five in relationships is going to be quite difficult, okay? to take care of that also. 

And the other downside or the negative thing for number five is that it's good to travel, it's good to go and collect all the beautiful experiences of life. But at the same time, stability creates a home, okay? When you're stable when you need to have a base to come back to Okay, you can go everywhere around the world, but you need a home, to come back to always remember that. Yes, and I'm sure that many of the number five's are really successful in the family life because thanks to their partner also who is investing in that and they have somehow understood and these pearls of wisdom that you know, found on their paths and the different paths that they traded in their lives are now these are the pearls of wisdom that they have and they are nourishing their family then they become beautiful, wonderful parents also later in life. But yes, as I said the maturity comes later in life. 

And yes, be your caring serve. That is what you are, my dear. Number five, and just care for yourself also and know that there is never a perfect match on this earth. Never, never never. You cannot have a tailor-made person you will always find Some kind of a little bit of you know, false, because no one is perfect. Yeah. And no one is no one, right? So this is what you have to keep in mind, forgive, forget, and keep on being your own enthusiasts, thick self, this little child that you are inside of you that wants to see some new things, and also to do so many new things and like, just go on and spread this wonderful You know, this contagious motivation and this contagious enthusiasm and optimism that you have when it comes to doing something and yes, take things to the end. Always. 

Alright, so thank you. Number five, please do let me know in the comments how did you like the article? And what did I miss on are what you don't agree with? Also, I would like to know, because it's like, you know, like for me, I'm just looking at people and I'm trying to, you know, get more and more information through that. I cannot cover everything. And I would really like you to increase my knowledge base by letting me know in your comments. How did you like it? So thank you very much, my dear. Number five, and wonderful, wonderful people. As please do like, share and comment. I'm going to see you with another article until refund in the series. Please do subscribe. Bye Bye. Take care. God bless. Bye-bye