Number -4 personality

Hello friends and let's see what are number four people like that number four people, they are very organized people very stable methodical kind of people. The four number four is all about construction but step by step okay nothing haphazard, nothing too much in a rush you know, they will go with the flow, but at the same time, they have the eyes upon the goals, they will be you know, constructing the steps, I would say, the construct step towards getting to their goals, slowly but surely there are the goals, they are extremely methodical people at times they can be very very perfectionist. And well perfectionist when you see that that can get a bit irritating Also, sometimes for the people who work with number four people that perfection comes into the picture, and then you know, things can get a bit messy for people around them. And what I also found about the number four people is that they like to be in control of things they, they really like to you know, control things if they are not knowing all the details of everything, then somehow it gives them a kind of anxiety inside of them, you know, they will be they feel a bit scared almost, they feel anxious, they can feel worried, the need to know what's happening, and they need to know every detail of things, they need to be in control of things the moment they are not in control, or they feel they have lost control over something that gives them this kind of fear or they can be almost scared about things, they're very determined people extremely determined.

 And these people usually don't give up they don't give up easily unless you know, real big problems come into their lives, then they will give up on opportunities are they have to make a tough choice, then they will choose one over another. But number four people usually don't give up they are very determined, they like to you know to work towards things and they like to construct their life. So, usually, when it comes to number four people, where they can excel in professions is where it needs construction of things, construction of ideas. Construction of houses, basically they are very good in the real estate. Number four people can excel in banking also because you know, you are growing something so banking services, real estate, then you see number four people also as very good managers they can be extremely, they can be very, very good managers. And I also see them doing very well with the earth because number four is all about the earthly energy, it is about you know, being grounded. Rarely do we see number four people running in all directions, and they're very grounded, they can also have a green hand. So they can do very good in an agricultural field. Also in farming, agriculture, they can be very good at it. And I've seen some very good bank managers have the number four energy there, they do very well in the banking services, they can be a leader very easily, you know, and they love to, they love to lead I've seen the love to play the chief or the head of the family, this is what I have seen because they have this approach. This is pretty much you know, very, you know, analyzed or strategic and very methodical. 

So you can see that all these you know, managerial qualities for me, these are managerial qualities. And these when they come together. They can organize something very well. They can organize events, they can organize evenings you might see also my dear number four people, you also like to invite people to your place Yeah, I got lots of friends and you like to entertain people at home I've seen that and we are parties and get-togethers and you know the family gets together but the number four is, are those are the organizers organizing everything in the house. It's what I see with the number four energy, very upbeat people. And yeah, they like to, you know, enjoy life also at the same time, and quite social because I see the number four people have a lot of friends and they have good networks, you know, so they know who to approach for what so that networking is quite a quality also that they have and they really like yeah Spider man like you know you have your webs and yeah so this is how you say this is how you manage your circles also but of course they don't make friends with the intention of you know who will help me for what but at the same time they are pretty much into networking also and I don't know if you notice or not mind a number for people you have a lot of information you have a lot of information like what's happening and where is it happening like the person to go to, I think would be a number four people because the number four people are such I know cool but analyzers and you know collection of information is quite a lot like they won't be inquisitive, but somehow they get the information and they will know a lot of things about others or about what's happening where right? 

 I also see that they are here today so I also see that number four people are very generous also they can be very generous friends a shoulder to cry on I would say they make generous friends you can go and you can discuss with them they don't like to judge but at the same time they are you know they will give you some very friendly advice or very you know paternal or maternal advice they will give you when you're going through some difficult times are difficult phases of life the number of four people are the people to go to because they are steady one thing in them is that they like to be grounded the light to feel their feet upon the earth but their attention is up there in the sky you know so that's a very good balance of holding on to something while trying to reach up there to something else yeah. 

So this is that kind of thing that they are balancing but yes you need to be grounded and number four exactly has that wonderful quality of being concrete or being solid yet having the eyes higher where they can reach now what are the negative things related to number four? 

Well, negative things negative characteristics of number four are they can be overly controlling at times people might feel that you know, when you people are telling something they might feel that they are getting dominated by you to like to control situations because you don't like the unknown you don't like that you want to prepare everybody for things and sometimes people might take you for being really really overly controlling Okay, then you can be intolerant on so sometimes Okay, minute number four, you're intolerant to somebody mistakes you can be or you know, you can get irritated very fast. Quickly angered, are shut down, I would say but you can be intolerant okay to certain things because you have certain, you know, likes and dislikes very strong likes and dislikes.

 And because of that what happens is that you can tend to be a bit intolerant towards things that you don't accept, then you can be obsessive too because if you like something, you can be pretty much obsessive about certain things that belong to you my mind can also be one of the negative things that can you know, that can rise up to it can be related to your family, it can be related to you material things that can be related to a person also sentimentally speaking, it can be a person that you know, who is a, who is you, who is somebody very close to you, you can be obsessive about them also at times, or you can be really like going gaga over them. Yeah, my dear number four, but however, I see the perseverance that is your topmost quality is that when you want to achieve something, you make sure that no matter how slow you reach, and you get what you want, and that you should really be proud of my dear number four because you are the earthly energy, you're the ground. You hold things, okay? So I would almost call you all the containers here which hold a lot of things inside of them. And you need to really use this number four, creative, not creative, I'm sick, constructive energy. It's more of construction that I would say where you construct something out of nothing, you might just construct something you build your castle. But first, you build them in the air but then you make sure that you build them on this earth also this is where the energy that the divine has given to this number four yeah.

 And I also see that at times you can be narrow-minded so you shouldn't be narrow-minded My dear number four at times people take you narrow-minded and it doesn't come as a surprise to me because you have your you know, you have your fixed rules. And yeah, you have a fixed structure. Yes, my agenda before and till everything is in that framework, that structure all is good, but otherwise, sometimes for you to you know, look at things from some other perspectives can become a bit difficult. Because you are, yeah, you are the structure, right? And because of that people can call you narrowminded that why don't you think from our perspective, why don't you know, think out of the box or something but you have you many times you like to take the beaten part Okay, that that is the tried and tested and the trusted part. Yeah, but many times you can be mistaken for being narrow-minded also, minder, number four. Yeah, and that's it for today I feel that I have covered some points regarding the number four, and yes, never haphazard, always constructive, always the theoretical going step by step towards your goal that's what is number four all about the earth all about holding all about giving the stability to yourself and to people so if you're feeling that you're not yet in that vibration, then you have to live up to this potential because you have been provided that energy of stability so not just for yourself but even to others you can bring it in your life My dear number four is the thank you very much and do let me know in your comments how did you like my analysis about the number four and if I missed some points please please do let me know in your comments because I always like to learn more and more and more I'm really greedy when it comes to learning rather very hungry for knowledge. So please do let me know in your comments please do like share and comment and do share it with the people who are under the influence of the number four Okay, my dear. Number four, and yes, the number 22 that is two plus two is equal to four is also 22 is the master number. So we are going to discuss after the series ends at number nine. I will be making articles on master numbers 11,22 and 33. Until then, goodbye take care and God bless. Bye Bye. 

Take care. Bye