Number- 3 personality

If you were born on the 3rd, the 12th, the 21st, or the 30th, then you are the number three. And what are you like? Well, the number three, they are extremely creative people are very, very creative. You give them a box of papers, they will mix it. And they will make a beautiful statue in front of you. You give them a bowl of red rice. They will just, you know, stick it on something and make a very good, beautiful sketch out of it. It's all a creative fountain. That is what you people are my dear number three people, you are just full of creativity. And you love to speak. Just you love to speak. 

Have you? My dear, Not the number three ones who are watching right now. Did you notice how much your number three person speaks? Number three, friend, your number three partner, your number three parent, how much they speak, you know, they just love to speak in love to express and speaking is one of them. They are very good public speakers. They are very good. operators, they are very good. negotiators. They can negotiate very well they can convince very well, they can persuade very well, this is why they do very well in the field of marketing, art media. Yeah, whatever requires creativity. Number three is the person to go to. Yes. And then I also see for a number three people at this way purposely have gone yellow. Yeah, this is the color of the joy of creativity. This is why I thought of wearing yellow. So and that is why I wore this color because I wanted to match it with your number, you know, that creative streak that you have. And what is about the number two, what is special about them is that few minutes you speak to them, and you get convinced. And that's why it is very easy for number three people who are such good communicators, to just persuade very easily, whatever in the difficult task of persuasion and negotiation is you give it in the hands of number three, and you see how they very well they communicate with the other party and they can bring about a very good, you know, a compromise, or they can bring about this, you know, the sealing of the deal that takes place, thanks to the number three people that they do that. 

And I have also seen that they're very great flexibility. Flexibility is adaptation. Yeah, what do they do the number three people are extremely adaptable. You put them with any social strata in the society, you put them with the higher-ups, you put them with the normal thoughts, you put them with anyone, just anyone. You know, whoever the king is the normal layman, you put them with that, there they are the same, they can just be cool. They can just be themselves. Then they are just so cool about everything they don't mind. They just don't mind knowing who you are, they are just being themselves and that is what is very good about the number three people. However, what can happen with number three people is that as they are very good speakers and very good. aerators what happens is that they can attract people easily. masses of people can get attracted to them very easily because of their public speaking their great orator. You know, that great orator that is inside of them can attract people with their charisma because they had the charm, they have that seduction inside of them. When they speak, they can almost seduce Master, they can charm the masses. 

But the downside is that they get bored very easily. They get bored very easily. So if you are in a relationship with number three, in the beginning, it's wow like wow, like you know, just with the words you got charmed, you got hypnotized. But to retain them, you have to be very innovative because number three people don't like routine. They hate boredom. If you want to kill them, the easiest thing to do is give them a routine. I don't want you to kill them because creativity is priceless. Yeah, so number three people, they are completed they just need spontaneity. They need that liberty to express themselves to be creative. But if you give them a big pile of files, and ask them to do the same thing in a very small room, you just tell them to do the same thing every day seeing the same faces doing the same thing you know that routine Duck Duck Duck. 

Now that's not for them at one point of time they will leave or they will have a nervous breakdown on a burn out or they will just say I cannot do that otherwise they will find a way to do it differently the same thing but differently this is what is the power of number three people that I also see that once in the relationships especially if you really bore them with the same routine you might lose them so to retain a number three person in your life you have to be innovative spice up your life I would say your love life you have to find ways you have to find ways you're number three person your partner or your friend will if I don't know if you've noticed but they will purposely you know start a debate you know just purposely like kind of poking you know like on the Facebook they send folks but you're in real life they send books to you and they will just try to see that you know, they will try to see a reaction How do you react and then just watch it and that amuses them because for them they want something different they want a challenge every day they want to change everyday they want some kind of creative outlet to their emotions every day. So you will see that your number three lover is never the same you might find that oh in this person how many people exist you know just like the Gemini the sun sign Gemini it's a bit like that.

 Do you know how many people exist in this person? Yeah, because they will always have that thing inside of them this kind of this typical peppy energy which is always trying out something new. You take them to a restaurant because it happens to me that when I go to a restaurant I always order the same thing I don't want to take risks to first see I don't know if I see or maybe I'm very scared of you know, having a bad tummy. Because I can be very fragile on my tummy. So I always ordered the same things you know, not that much of spice not this much of this. Yeah, it's that's how the first suit about and then I go with a friend who is number three. This person is not at all bothered about what is going to come on the plate. Just Okay, I'm going to Okay, I'm going to order this actually. Did you know Did you see that? What is that? Have you ever tasted it? Do you know it can be so spicy? Like, you know? And also it's okay, I'm going to try it and we are going to see how it goes like nobody can spoil your tummy. No, I don't care. It's okay. You know, like we have one life and you know, these kinds of things come up, like Okay, okay, fine. And it's every time it will be like that. 

These people like to try new things, they're very good at telling you. For example, color number three friend, and they will tell you all those curtains most probably if you hadn't mixed this with that, this color, it would be much better for you. Or maybe you should paint your walls differently, that color would really look nice or know what you've learned. You just have to ask them they will not tell you to ask them and they will give you a wonderful you know, solution a creative solution to everything because they're so full of ideas. You might have noticed your mother if she is number three, your father, they will have this creative way of dealing with things whatever even whatever simple the way they will present it will be so wonderful that you feel this is something new, was probably the same doll and rice that I'm eating if a number three serves it, the way they will do it, you know, very differently, you know very different shapes and things so you feel nice about it, you feel like eating it. Otherwise, it's like oh daily is the same thing that I'm eating, you know, that is number three, that creative streak is in them.

However, you have to avoid boring number three people because number three people really get bored very easily. They need to move from project to project. They really need to move from project to project. They need challenges they need their brain to you know, just be like the wild horse that keeps on galloping in the big grain field, exploring new possibilities. They're very good explorers, very good adventurers that even love adventure. They love to explore things. They are not meant for the nine to five job at a small desk. You cannot tie them you will make them prisoners. They're not meant for that. However, if they are into marketing, they will be very good as salesmen They will be very good managers, but somehow responsibilities, too much of burden of responsibilities can, you know, drain them, it's not that they will not do it, but for them, they need to be free to be themselves, you know, and this is what is the blocking forces that too much of burden of responsibility on their shoulders, the creative shoulders, for them, it's like then they cannot move, then they cannot move the need to shrug off all those responsibilities. And then they can be done while houses were just running. And you know, going to newer and newer fields, this is what and the fields means fields, the real fields, but also in different fields of, you know, their creative fields, to have this kind of spontaneity, this is what they need.

 Then I also saw that as they are very good charmers and public speakers, they can be very good politicians also because they can, you know, they can charm masses, and they can convince people that, hey, I'm the one you have to vote for me, right? So they can be very good politicians, but also, when it comes to public social welfare, this is where the communication skills work very well. And also I see that they have this knack, they have this knack of getting out of very difficult situations.

 Number three, you really have to be applauded for that because I really feel that you guys go through difficulties, no matter I don't know how you manage it, but very, very difficult times you go through and you emerge out of those difficulties very easily, you can hit the rock bottom, but the way you bounce back is something I would say it's really solitary, it's really you know, praise worthy I would say because number three people have that knack they they can walk into problems but they can talk out of problems also I feel so because they have that and many times number three people go through that they go they go through how do you say they go through difficult times and at one point of time they will you know they will most probably cry with things quietly but then they rebounds they bounce back and then they are back as if nothing happened and that is the rebirth so they keep on having that in their life also so number three people don't have to worry much if they are encountering problems because they do have this this gift of God that has come upon them is that they know how to just you know bounce back they will find creative ways of getting out of problems.

 Now on the negative side for number three people what is the negative side of number three people well, you can be perceived sometimes you can be perceived superficial because you speak a lot so you know it's a myth that you know men are few words are deeper but know people who speak a lot also can be deeper right? So sometimes you get mistaken mind you're number three as superficial and yes you have the pride also this is one of the negative things you can be proud of at times I would say why not? If you add something to be proud of why not be but well sometimes it's not good because especially with the close people you know we cannot be proud we cannot get our vanity in close relationships there you have to take real care frivolous also you can be my dear number three and at times you are perceived because just because you are you know, once you finish something and then you want to go to something else, which is much better, you can be perceived as opportunities to okay, but people don't understand that for you. You need to discover new things in life. 

You need new things to take up in life. Otherwise, you are just you know, not living up to your number three vibrations. Yeah. So because of that, you can be misperceived I will put it misperceived as opportunities to Who is not an opportunity because many people if they are given a good opportunity Well, if it is a better opportunity, everybody takes the opportunity, right? So we cannot call everybody an opportunity, but they are kind of perceived as opportunities because what happens is that the moment they get bored of something they want to go and you know, grab something else, which is more interesting, but it is not a thing of opportunism. Or I would say yeah, opportunists nature, but it is just the nature that I don't want to keep on sticking with the old, I want something new in my life, they are hungry for change. So number three is all about this mighty have read. So well, you are social chameleons. Yeah, this is where you can go and you can adapt anywhere, so easily beat with the king beat with a normal, you know, worker, you're the same, you can be in the big palace, you know, served royally while you can be with the normal person who is cleaning the streets and you say, Come on, you know, and you will sit and eat with them with the same simplicity, this is what is wonderful about you. adaptability is very, very, very high in new people. 

This is why you can adapt anywhere. Usually, in groups, you do very well whichever the big groups, this can be charitable organizations, this can be creative. You know, undertakings, this can be in a company, wherever, you know, adaptation is nothing you are like water, whatever color is mixed in you, you take that color, this is how you are so you're really like the real-life chameleons. You adapt. And that is something really good.

 And I think all of us have to learn that from you. Because it's not very easy to adapt. I mean, for me, I can tell you that. Yeah, I mean, I am adaptable on some things. But I can be pretty much rigid, especially when it comes to food quite rigid. When I see the number three people who are so, so adaptable easily, you know, like, okay, wherever you put them, they are comfy, they're comfortable over there. So that is really nice about your mind your number three. So well then, I think, my idea box number three, I have covered everything that I could get about you. And just try not to escape certain things in life. Don't escape things in life, just because you got bored of it sometimes. After a little bit of boredom, you know, some new things come in. And there is always a way to, you know, especially in relationships, I would like to tell number three's is that there is always a way to do the same thing differently. And it changes Yeah.

 So if you are bored of routine if you're bored of relationships also find new ways of doing the same thing. And don't let this fire of creativity die inside of you. express it My dear number three. So thank you very much and do let me know how did you like the article?  So number three's especially would have got mad with me because you love to speak and you love to listen and make people listen when you speak right!   So please do like share and comment and I will see you next time with personality number four Bye Bye. Take good care of yourself. God bless. Be creative. Always. 

 Take care. Bye