How read Lo Shu Grid Arrows

 In the previous section, we already discuss how to begin interpreting the numbers placed in the square. We will first discuss how the 'arrow' is interpreted, and then move on to explain the single and multiple occurrences of each individual number.
now you are

You are now well on your way to mastering the Simple Lo Shu Square!

Reading the “Arrows” 

 After the birth date is properly entered into the square, the first thing to do is to interpret the “arrows” that are present in the layout of the numbers. An arrow is any three squares either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally that contain numbers or spaces. This is also called a “line”.

Pay no attention to which way the arrow is pointing in the diagrams, as this is for illustration only and doesn't matter to the reading of the square. We are only interested in identifying the pattern.
Please take the time now to make sure that you understand how to spot the arrows in the square once it is filled out. Next, we will interpret it.

Here is an example of how to
spot arrows:

 The top row containing the numbers 4,9 and 2 is an arrow (or „line‟).

Likewise, the middle row containing numbers 3,5, and 7 in a row is an arrow.

Remember that arrows can go horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and include either three numbers in a row or three spaces in a row.

Line of Memory – Spaces in 4, 9, 2
This is currently a rare line as everyone born in the 20th century has a nine in their square. When it does occur it can indicate a person who is easily distracted. They need to force themselves to pay attention to detail if they are to finish the task at hand.
Line of Intellect – Numbers in 4, 9, 2
This line shows clarity of thought and typically a person of above-average intelligence. This person may have a tendency to place logic over feelings and so must be careful of this behavior so as not to be perceived as uncaring by others when in fact they likely have a warm heart.

 Line of Spirituality – Numbers in 3, 5, 7
This line of numbers indicates a deep sense of spirituality and strong faith, although not necessarily connected to an organized faith but rather one born of the heart and developed over time. This person may achieve deep inner serenity.

Line of Emotional Balance – Numbers in 3, 5, 7
This is one of the more desirable lines. This line indicates a well-balanced person emotionally and spiritually. It is someone who is in touch with their feelings and handles them well. They also typically have a strong sense of faith. They can convey this sense to others and so are generally good people to be around.
Line of Heightened Sensitivity – Spaces in 3, 5, 7
This line of spaces indicates someone who can be easily hurt. They are extra sensitive to the comments of others. This can often make the person shy and the need to work to overcome this. On the positive side, these people are loyal and make excellent instructors.

Line of the Practical – Numbers ONLY 8, 1, 6
This line is a person who has a practical, straightforward view of life and approach to things. They might be seen as materialistic even though they generally are not. They are good with their hands and may excel at creative endeavors such as art, music, or writing.

Line of the Planner – Numbers ONLY 8, 3, 4
This is the line of people who like to plan things. They tend to be very organized in their life and their possessions. They like to think ahead and they typically like the comfort of routine. They make good architects or similar vocations that require attention to detail.

Line of Contemplation – Spaces in 1, 5, 9
This is a rare configuration but can develop in several ways. These people will usually consider others before themselves, but will eventually consider how they will be personally affected by interaction with others. They also frequently ponder the meaning and ways of their life.

Line of Self Assurance – Numbers in 1, 5, 9
This indicates a person who has strong confidence and a high energy level. They throw themselves into things believing they know the right way to do it and always want to show others. Sometimes this can make them seem pushy to people that do not know them well.

Line of Frustration – Spaces in 1, 5, 9
This line is usually of a person who always has a high set of expectations for themselves and others, and can get easily frustrated when those expectations are not met. This person needs to learn over time that progress is not always as fast as it would like.

Line of Activity – Numbers ONLY in 6, 7, 2
These people have high energy levels and express themselves through constant activity. If the line of Determination also appears, this person could verge on hyperactivity. These people may also be great at starting projects but then become easily bored and move on, leaving others to finish what they have started.

Line of Skepticism – Spaces in 4, 5, 6
This line of spaces indicates a person of a more questioning nature, someone who does not always take things at face value but rather digs to find the truth. Such a person will take the advice of others with a grain of salt until they‟ve made up their own mind.

Line of Determination – Numbers in 8, 5, 2
This line indicates a person of great determination and fortitude. This person will not long take „no‟ for an answer and will continue to work on a problem or project until it is solved, finished, and put to bed. They take great pride in their work.

Please take some time to study the arrows that may appear in the square. When you are ready, move to the next section and we will learn how to interpret the individual numbers that are within the square.

Then we will try to understand the meaning of numbers.