If you keep this pattern in mind, it will be much easier to understand and remember the meanings of the numbers. In this way, you do not have the task of memorizing each and every configuration of multiple numbers that can appear. You will become comfortable with this as time goes by.

After you interpret the arrows in a Lo Shu Square you will move on to interpret the individual numbers. As we know, there may be multiples of an individual number within a square, and this changes the meaning. As you already understand where the numbers fit into the square, we will not use diagrams for this portion of the instruction.

Reading the “Numbers”

One 1 –

A person with one 1 is likely a good speaker, but they can have difficulty expressing their own feelings to others. Sometimes this will lead to difficulty with others as they will say what they believe others want to hear. 

Two 1’s –

Two 1‟s indicates a balance between being a good speaker and also being able to honestly express one‟s own inner feelings. These people have no trouble revealing their most innermost feelings to others in an appropriate manner.

Three 1’s –

Three 1‟s in a person‟s square usually indicates that they are not only a good speaker, but that they are a „talker‟. They like to speak their mind, and at times can appear to talk too much without listening to the other person. These people may need to learn to tone it down a bit at times. 


One 2 –

The person with one 2 in their square likely possesses some intuitive powers and heightened sensitivity. These types trust their own feelings and do well following them. This person may well on occasion see things before they happen, like thinking of a friend and suddenly the phone rings and it is the person they had thought of.

Two 2’s –

Two 2‟s can show a balance between intuition and sensitivity. People with two 2‟s may be of above-average intelligence. These folks can become quickly frustrated when other people do not see things that to them are painfully obvious.

Three 2’s –

Three 2‟s creates an imbalance that may result in hypersensitivity. This person may be overwhelmed by their intuition and thereby have trouble expressing themselves due to inner conflicts. A person such as this needs to learn to be careful how they present themselves. 


One 3 –

This person is almost always someone with a very good intellect and a strong memory. This is someone who likely has a pleasant disposition and can cope with life‟s problems without letting them affect their attitude.

Two 3’s –

A person with two 3‟s may have a good intellect and strong memory, but they tend to be a dreamer and can waste much time frivolously using their gifts. They may need to learn some self-discipline to stay grounded and use their intellect and memory for productive purposes.

Three 3’s –

Three 3‟s in a square shows a bit of an overload of intelligence and imagination. These people are great thinkers and innovators, but they must be careful not to get carried away. If this happens, they can have difficulties developing relationships because they are so absorbed in what is going on in their own minds. 


One 4 –

This is the single number of a person who has a very practical outlook on life. Much like folks with the Line of the Practical in their square, they have a straightforward view of life and approach to things. They might be seen as materialistic even though they generally are not.

Two 4’s –

Someone with two 4‟s may show great organizational ability but has a tendency to miss the practical side of things. At times they can throw caution to the winds, and they must learn to be careful when choosing friends, lest they be lead down the wrong path.

Three 4’s –

The presence of three 4‟s shows an exceptional level of practicality and organizational skills. This person likely executes tasks in a highly efficient manner and expects the same of those nearby. They are probably good with their hands and with numbers, although these talents are not always fully developed. 


One 5 –

One 5 is the most desirable number in a Lo Shu square. A single 5 shows a compassionate understanding of others a very strong ability to motivate and encourage other people. This person has a balanced approach to life and love that is an example to others. They make excellent family members, spouses, lovers, and teachers.

Two 5’s –

Two 5‟s in a chart shows a person who is so compassionate and enthused that it can be seen by others as a bit overbearing and meddling. This person has a great and loving heart but must learn to communicate properly or their energy may be misunderstood.

Three 5’s –

A person with three or more 5‟s in their square has the potential to take their compassion for life and others to a whole new level. They have tremendous amounts of energy and would do well to find outlets that benefit both themselves and others most positively. 


One 6 –

This is the number of a very strong creative ability. Someone with one 6 likely has strong emotional feelings towards home and family and seeks stability in those areas. Very often they achieve this mental and emotional stability in their lives through creative undertakings.

Two 6’s –

While these folks seek stability in the areas of home and family, they may do so in a manner that comes across as overprotective. They also may be so involved with caring for others that they neglect their own wellbeing. They may need to remind themselves to actively seek creative outlets throughout their lives.

Three 6’s –

Anyone with three or more 6‟s can easily become overly concerned with stability and caring for others. Their gifts are highly developed and they are in tune with the emotions of others as well as their own. These folks can produce great self-expression through art, music, or writing if they so choose. 


One 7 –

People with one 7 in their square usually learn best through the school of hard knocks. They need to make their own mistakes. While this makes for a thorough learning experience and development of common sense, it can make life tougher than it needs to be.

Two 7’s –

On the other side, two 7‟s is a person who has more of a tendency to learn from the mistakes of others and avoid them together. They are strong observers of the actions of others and can figure out how to incorporate positive behaviors they have seen into their own lives without experiencing the pain themselves.

Three 7’s-

Three or more 7‟s in a square show someone who may have experienced great personal loss or very hard times in their past. They likely have built up a great deal of inner strength from these circumstances, and with that also a good deal of wisdom and a realistic outlook on life. 


One 8 –

A single 8 is the number of a very detail-oriented person. They are probably very organized in their life and their possessions and prefer aspects of their lives to exist in an orderly and familiar fashion. These people make great problem solvers and do well in many vocations.

Two 8’s –

The two 8 person is restless by nature, and this tends to lead to a life that is not as structured or organized. They may become bored easily if stuck in the same job or if there is not even a challenge in their life to keep them stimulated mentally and emotionally. They may have a tendency to mess things up just to experience change.

Three 8’s –

While these people may seek variety and change early in life, they quickly start to settle down and become creatures of habit. They can take this behavior so far that they get „stuck in a rut‟ and need to be reminded to get out and live a little! 


One 9 -

Everybody born in the twentieth century has at least one 9 in their square. For this reason, a single 9 carries no significance for us. For reference, this is the number of the humanitarian and it represents our highest ideal.

Two 9’s -

Two 9‟s in a person‟s square is the sign of above-average intelligence. These people learn quickly and excel at careers that require thinking. However, they must be careful not to come off as aloof when speaking to others whom they perceive as not as intelligent.

Three 9’s –

Someone with three or more 9‟s in their chart has a very highly developed intelligence. While this will serve them well to get them through life, they must guard against becoming socially isolated without realizing it. This person may need to make a conscious effort to stay involved and not become locked in their own mind. 


Now that you understand the system, there is nothing complicated about actually doing a profile for someone. You can draw the square on a piece of paper or anything handy, or you can print some up yourself very easily as we mentioned at the beginning.