Don't your kids want to read and write?

Usually, children do not want to read and write, they have more interest in sports. If they do not get what they want, then they start whining and this habit of theirs gradually takes the form of stubbornness in which they express their feelings by crying, screaming, or getting angry.

In such a situation, most parents give speeches on discipline to the children, but this happens that the distance between you and the child starts increasing. Your aim at this time should be to eliminate the reason due to which this is happening. When the child insists on something, tell him about its advantages or disadvantages so that he can be motivated to give up his insistence. By teaching children to be disciplined and patient from a young age, their habit of insistence can be reduced.

It has been found in the investigations that stubborn children are more hardworking and have more ability to struggle than other children. If such children are determined to do something, they do not sit peacefully without completing it. With the right guidance, such children achieve great success in their lives.

Pay attention to your language during discipline. Even when angry, do not use abusive words in front of children and also take care of your tone. There should be politeness in your language and tone of talking. Even if you criticize the child, do not shout while doing so. When children see you talking in the wrong way, then they also learn to do so. So work on this thing before teaching them. Children give the opposite answer when they are hurt by any of your behavior.

Make your child and your relationship stronger. Spend at least half an hour a day alone with them. When he is emotionally attached to you, he will think many times before hurting you. When this connection is not there, then children take the path of bullying.

Vastu Tips

 That much knowledge will be enough for fire. You may have gone to many child specialists or astrologers regarding this. Not to worry.  Let's talk about the tips that you are eagerly waiting for.

' Drawing the symbol of a  Swastika in the West-South-West (WSW) zone of your house or in WSW wall of children's room. or hang pictures of the book.

WSW zone is the zone of Receipt. (prapti)Every symbol placed at this place got settled in the mind of the children. Every sign placed at this place gets settled in the mind of the children. Now if you keep the television on, the children will remember the cartoons. Now if you keep the bat and the ball, you will remember the playground, while studying'