House of Mercury

The face of this house will usually be in the north direction but its specialty will be that every corner is open. That is, the owner tries to build his house in the middle of the land. If there is uncultivated land in the house and if it is not there, then there is scope for tree plants. Even if it is in a pot. A man sitting among the green leaves constantly thinks. Even though he does not think of moving forward, he keeps thinking about making life better for himself and others. Its nature is creative mind and consultancy.

The big door of the house will be in the west direction. As soon as you enter the house, the light will be dim in the Kodi on the right. Whenever this kotdi is kept in neem darkness, the day of the landlord will be good. A stone is buried in the house. Looks old.

Within a few days of making it, it looks like it was made years ago and now it needs to be painted. No matter how much you take care of yourself, beauty does not come. There is a complete lack of freshness. There is always room for a large girder or pillar in this house which gives it a slight elegance.

There is no other house around the house, such a house is a sign of the house of the planet Mercury. Such houses are mostly seen alone apart from all the houses in any city, village, locality. Apart from this, the sign of the house of Mercury is that there will be trees of broad leaves around the house. Trees related to Jupiter and Moon should never be planted or planted around the house of Mercury. If any house is having trees of Jupiter and Moon, then that house will be considered as strong evidence of the enmity of Mercury. Mercury has a bad effect on such houses. This leads to the loss of business and jobs.