8 Golden Rule For Find Any Disease From Your Horoscope.

Friends, today we are going to tell you a unique formula. From whom you can easily get out the idea of ​​suffering from any disease. The simple condition is that you need to understand basic astrology. let's start:-

Rule No 1- When a Planet is situated in a debilitated sign or inimical sign.

(Example:- If Sun in a horoscope is in Libra. Capricom, Aquarius,Taurus.

Rule No 2-When a planet in 6/8/12 bhavas.

Rule No 3-When a planet receives the aspects or is conjoined with lords of 6/8/12 bhavas.

Rule No 4-When a planet becomes the lord of 6th, 8, or 12' bhavas.

Rule No 5- When a planet receives the aspects or is conjoined with Malefic planets.

Rule No 6- When a planet becomes a Maraka (death-causing planet) by the lordships of 2nd or 7th bhava, or by occupying 2nd or 7" bhava.

Rule No 7-When a planet situates in Sharastak  (6-8 position) or in Dodadasa (2-12 position) position of the Lord of the Mahaa Dasa pathi (main) period.

Rule No 8-When a planet happens to be the enemy of the lord of the Maha Dasa planet period.

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