Planets and their energy relationship with your home

Friends, my loving greetings to all of you, welcome all of you to my blog. Well, it is going to be related to Numerology / Lo-Shu_Grid or Vastu shastra related. Yes, all of you will get new information on all the current topics of Vastu Shastra and Numerology.

While determining the Vastu of the house we have to understand the energy level of the directions. North and east are considered to be the directions with more energy. Where the speed is more in the east, the speed is more in the north. The northeast angle gives the benefit of both. In the south direction, the speed is less but the heat is more. Due to the presence of both sharp and hot in the southeast angle, it becomes a pure place. Due to the presence of both sharp and hot in the angle, it becomes a pure place. In the west the light is less and so is the speed. The northwest corner holds more energy than the southwest corner. You can also see it as the flow of wind, the arrival of light, and the flow of water.

In the composition of Vastu, the planets are given the same positions as their energies. It can be positive or negative.

  •  The east of Vastu is near the Sun. It is brilliant.
  •  North East is ruled by Guru. It is positive and fast.
  • The north is ruled by Mercury. It is creative and active.
  • The northwest is ruled by the Moon. It is creative but more thought-provoking.
  • The west is ruled by Saturn. It is negative and slow.
  • Rahu dominates the South West. It is negative and contains a mystery.
  • The south is ruled by Mars. It is furious and burning.
  •  Venus rules the southeast. It is hot and spicy. If we use it according to the energy of this field, then maximum results will be achieved.

After understanding this flow of energy, we have to decide the places of members living and activities according to the flow of energy in the house. The North-East corner of the house is the place of maximum energy. Only those people who can be kept here can be comfortable in the flow of this energy. Children of the house are best suited for this place. 

The positive energy coming from the East and North will make them grow rapidly. By building a kitchen in the South-East, we will get the benefit of the heat we get from the South and the radiance from the East. this place

But the stove will always be burning and delicious food will be available. Elders of the house can live in the southwest. They have low speed and energy levels too. There they will be comfortable.

 The owner of the house can be placed in the North-West corner of the house, he will be able to work with energy and justice. Similarly, electrical appliances should be placed on the south wall and water-related things in the north zone. It will also be in harmony with the nature of the energy.

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