Astrology & Vastu

We will only discuss Vastu-related astrology here. Because the subject is very broad.

It is generally observed that people changing their houses get new house containing same Vastu faults which were there in the previous house too. This indicates that some Vastu faults reveal the flaws of our horoscope or else we can say that we get house according to planetary position in our horoscope. Therefore we fail to remove all Vastu faults from our house and even if we satiate planetary flaws these Vastu faults come back in one or another form.

For getting the comfort of the house generally 4th house and fourth house lord are studied. According to Lal Kitab Saturn is considered Karaka planet of house.

If Saturn is powerfully placed in one's chart then the native enjoys house comfort completely. if Saturn is debilitated, combust, or afflicted the native gets debarred of house comfort in the major period of Saturn.

According to Lal Kitab, the Karaka for house comfort is the second house. The seventh house also talks about the comfort/discomfort of the house. When Saturn transits into the 2nd, 4th or 7th house there develops a probability of change of house.

According to Lal Kitab if Saturn occupies the first house & the 7th & 10th houses are vacant in that case the native gets a great house otherwise the native gets under debts while constructing the house.

If Saturn is in the 2nd house the construction work should not be stopped in the middle.
If Saturn occupies 3rd house the native should keep it three days after the completion of the house otherwise he would get into trouble.
If Saturn occupies the fourth house the mother-in-law, maternal uncle mother & grandmother get into trouble.
If Saturn occupies the fifth house the native's children get into trouble after the completion of construction work and contrary to it if the children construct the house they remain happy.
If Saturn is in the 6th house there occur a problem in the house of daughter law after the completion of construction work.

If Saturn is auspicious in the 7th house in that case native constructs several houses & if it is inauspicious he gets compelled to sell even his own house.
If Saturn is in the 8th house in that case native faces several difficulties in constructing the house.
If Saturn is in the 9th house in that case the construction of the house results in trouble equivalent to death for the native's father.
For a native, the movement into his own house brings poverty to him, so it is better to stay in a rented house.

If Saturn is in the 11th house the native constructs house in old age.
If Saturn is in the 12th house the process of house construction is slow but the native constructs house at a very young age.

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