Friends, my loving greetings to all of you, welcome all of you to my blog. Here all of you will get new information on all topical topics of Numerology, Lo Shu Grid, and Vastu shastra. 

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Today I have told you some information about Numerology:-

What is a Birth Number?

 A birth number is the Single Digit Total of your day number, i.e. the day on which you were born. For example, suppose your date of birth is 25 of any month, then your Birth Number is 2+5=7. If your date of birth is already in single digit, i.e. you were born on or between 1 to 9 of any month, then that date is your birth number.

What is a Life Path Number?

 It is a single Digit total of your full date of birth. Suppose your full date of birth is 25.3.1991, then by adding all the numbers in the date we get 3, so 3 is your life path number. (2+5+3+1+9+9+1=30=3+0=3)

 Numerology: How to Calculate Your Life Path Number?

Important: If you were born on the 11th or 22nd of any month, do not convert the number into a single-digit number. 11 and 22 are Master Numbers, which have some additional and greater qualities. If you were born on the 29th, add the digits and it becomes 11, the Master Number.

If the total of your full date of birth is 11, 22, 29(=11), 33, 38(=11), 44, etc, Your life path number is a Master Number. Like 11 and 22; 33, 44, etc also have some additional and greater qualities.

What is the Right Career For You, According to Numerology?

Now you know your birth number and life path number. Here are the right careers for you, according to your number. You should consider both the numbers i.e. birth number and life path number while choosing the right career. For example, if your birth number is 1 and life path number is 2, consider the careers shown for number 1 and number 2.

Numbers and Careers:-

Number 1: Number 1 person is his/her own boss and he is not born to work as a subordinate to others. This number is the number of initiators. So if your number is 1, either your birth number or life path number, you should consider a career where you are independent, you are the boss and others work for you. Have your own business, own projects, ventures, etc. You have inbuilt leadership qualities, so you can succeed as Team Leader, Innovator, Army Officer or commander, Political Leader, Researcher, Inventor, Explorer, C.E.O., Executive, Producer, Director, Founder, etc. Even if you want to do the job, it should be a higher post job, where you are a boss or team leader.

Number 2: Number 2 people are very creative, knowledge-oriented, smart, charming, soft-spoken. These qualities of number 2 persons lead them to great success in specific fields like a negotiator, mediator, ambassador, diplomat, public relations officer, consultant, matchmaker, salesperson, dealer, etc. Other great fields for them are creative artist, architect, fashion designer, creative writer, performing artist, etc. Number 2 people can become great medicos, teachers, trainers, public speakers, counselors, life coaches, and motivators.

Number 3: Number 3 persons are most enthusiastic, joyous, charming, helpful, and friendly. They have a natural gift of expressing themselves and entertain others. They can become great actors, writers, music composers, singers, lyricists, comedians, performing artists, etc. Working in the entertainment industry is a better thing for them. Besides that, they have great leadership qualities, so they can become political leaders, team leaders, business leaders, organizers, army officers, commanders, etc. They can also be successful as Lawyers, Public Speakers, PRs, Teachers, Trainers, motivators, medicos, etc.

Number 4: Number 4 people are Critical Thinkers and multi-talented. These people can make money only by hard-working. As these people generally are not money-oriented, they should choose a profession that suits their mindset, and where money is not the sole goal. The best suitable professions for them are becoming a Critic, Editor, Journalist, Writer, Copy Writer, Proof Reader, Researcher, Lawyer, Consultant, Engineer, Technologist, Mechanic, etc. They should avoid any professions where speculations and luck are the major factors, like Day Trading in the share market, Option Market, Lottery, Gambling, and any type of speculative business.

Number 5: Number 5 people are multi-talented and smart workers, and they get great success in a variety of fields. They should try for following careers: Performing Artist, Public Speaker, Writer, Critic, Thinker, Producer, Actor, Musician, Music Composer, Lawyer, Detective, Journalist, Innovator, Investor, Sales Person, Producer, Director, etc. Number 5 people are natural gamblers and risk-takers, so they also can try for the professions where there are big risks. Quick money is easily possible for them, but chances of setbacks are also possible.

Number 6: Number 6 persons are very responsible and respected people, who are basically family-oriented, creative, cool, harmonious, humanitarian, and angels for their friends and related people. If your birth or life path number is 6, you should choose professions like Creative Artist, Architect, Fashion Designer, Floral Designer, Healer, Doctor, Sales Person, Public Relation Officer, Negotiator, Mediator, and Consultant, etc. Moreover, food-related business like Restaurant, Food Processing, Food Products, etc. is beneficial for you.

Number 7: Number 7 persons are basically introverted, spiritual, serious, and restless hard workers. They have great power of observing, thinking, and analyzing. They are best known for keeping secrets. The best suitable professions for them are Researcher, Innovator, Spy, Detective, Writer, Teacher, Trainer, Healer, Spiritual Healer, Reiki Masters, Medico, Innovator, Consultant and any profession related to Metaphysics, Occult Sciences, Religion, and Spirituality. Most of the number 7 people have gotten a good and effective voice, so they can become successful voice artists.

Number 8: This number is especially associated with Money, Wealth, Power, Administration, and Management. They can become Fund Managers, Managers, Administrators, Investors, Bankers. Moreover, they can become political or organizational leaders and can be very successful in real estate, construction, etc. Also, working in humanitarian fields is good for them. They should try for a Non-Profit Organization or Non-Government Organization.

Number 9: Number 9 people are humanitarians as well as warriors. They should try either for a humanitarian profession or they should join the army or police as officers. They can become very successful sportsperson, especially the sports where high energy and stamina are required. Moreover, they can become very successful in real estate and construction business, Mining, and giant businesses.

Careers for Master Number 11, 22, people

Number 11: This is a spiritual Number. If you possess it, as your birth number or life path number, try to become a Spiritual Guru, Spiritual Healer, Healer, Medico, etc. But if you are not interested in such professions, then try one of the professions which are suitable to Birth Number or Life Path Number 2 persons, i.e. negotiator, mediator, ambassador, diplomat, public relations officer, consultant, matchmaker, salesperson, dealer, etc. Other great careers for you are creative artist, architect, fashion designer, creative writer, performing artist medico, teacher, trainer, public speaker, counselor, life coach, and motivators. Moreover, you can become a great performing artist, like an actor, music composer, etc.

Number 22: This is a great Master Number, which is known as a Master Builder Number. If you possess it, you can do unbelievable great work in the field you have chosen. If your date of birth or Life Path Number is 22, choose a profession from the professions suitable for Number 4 persons, but whatever you want to do must be on large scale. Besides the careers for number 4, you can become an Educationalist, Warrior, Political Leader or an Industrialist. Moreover, all the cars.

If you have any questions left in your mind, then you can ask us by commenting, if you like the information given by us, then definitely share it with your friends. Heartfelt thanks to all of you for giving such a valuable time.