
Number 2 personality

Hello, my friends, and welcome to see what are the personality traits of number two so if you're born on the 2nd,11th,20th is on the 29th of the month then this is for you.

 So what is number two all about well number two people they're very caring souls they're very sensitive, I would say hypersensitive, they can be very touchy, if they are said something a bit harsh then you know it will hurt them very easily they will not show it because they will not have the tendency to be open about it they will keep it inside of them they will brood over it and it will hurt them inside they will just not express that hurts out? This is how number two people are just like the moon I would say yeah very slow they are like slow but soft glowing personalities yeah they are these soft glowing personalities calm yet very emotional yet very sensitive very very intuitive people. Number two, they are very intuitive people. So they have to listen to intuition whenever they feel that something is right or something's not right, they have to listen to it.

 Then their very diplomatic people also what happens is that if there is this kind of you know, a kind of a fight or some kind of conflict taking place, then the number two people are the people who will try to bring about peace over there you know, they have that certain touch that diplomacy which will come to the troubled waters.

 So, whenever there is a conflict you might notice your friends who are number two that these people will just you know go and try to pacify you know, they will try to understand what is happening and just try to pacify both the sides of the party with the argument you know which is going on he did want no just go and just you know to call them candid down this is what is number two also.

 These people as we can see number two is one plus one right. So, this is about union This is the marriage number we call a union number. So, number two people work very well when they are teamed up with someone. So it can be a very good partnership they can shoulder a very good partnership, then they are also very good at you know in something which needs to be built up together, okay, the teamwork, the teamwork, this is what is number two, they will thrive and they will really progress when there is a teamwork situation, and then they will do very, very well. 

They usually don't like to work very much in you know, solo, they will not like to do that they will always like to be with people, because for them, they have that little bit of dependency kind of a trade that they have, they can be a bit dependent, okay, you should see them with their partners also they can be overly dependent on their partners. So sometimes the partner can be a bit like stuff with the operator, you know, don't be so dependent on me, but in a very sweet way. It's not like suffocating Li dependent.

 Number two people can be an inner relationship. Number two people you guys just give 1,000% when you really love someone, it is like 1,000% in a relationship you people give and you are devoted to your partners, you're so devoted, you are just busy understanding them, you forget yourself in a relationship, that is what I have noticed. You just forget yourself.

 The other person the partner becomes your God over there. And you are all the time you know, do you need this do you need that, you know, you're so so so much caring, as if you are the mother of your partner rather than even if you are a male, you will become the mother or you know the maternal towards your partner so much that you forget yourself you are sacrificing in a relationship, not just with your partner but I've also seen with your colleagues with your friends, you sacrifice a lot you have that sacrificing thing inside of you whenever you are in a relationship. 

You want to see everybody happy in your family also you will sacrifice something very important for you that is very important for you just to maintain this peace and happiness. So for exam Until a number two personality can give up something very very important that is important to them just because some people in the family are not happy with their choice with that choice about that certain something they can give that up and then they can be you know then they when they see that everybody's happy around them they feel nice but my dear number two you need to take care of this sacrificing yourself all the times is not a good thing I mean you can be happy in the true way when you are happy you can make others happy right but when you have to give up something so important to yourself at that time it can be a bit vain for you during your life My dear number two people.

 So you need to take care of that. Now also I have seen the two people who don't like conflicts whenever there is a conflict you will try to bring about some kind of a solution Yeah. So that is also one of the things that wanting peace all the time. So you are the peacemakers as well as you are the ones who are you know like that you know, ambience of harmony that everyone is nice to each other that is what you like also and also I have noticed something about number two's is that when they are in a relationship it is like fusion with the partner so much fusion that they forget who they are what they are is forgotten everything is the partner you know so that in a way is something that is very very precious and rare and the partners of number two have to really really how do you say to be very thankful about that with the number two people because they are very rare gemstones as their precious people you should not lose them if they are giving you their heart be loyal to them this is what I can say for the partners of number two people. After all, this is very rare they give the gift they give they just sacrifice. 

This is what I've seen also I have noticed something is that if they are criticized about something then my dear number two you have the tendency to close like you know you get close you close yourself inside of yourself and that can be quite hurting for you because that is a tendency to be completely you know just like when you criticize you cannot just lash back then suddenly you might just stop communicating with that particular person who has hurt you or suddenly you will just you know shut down as if you know you're completely your heart just closes and you're just inside of you then you sell cue brood inside of you.

 So this is also one of the things that add them up at the beginning number two people can appear to be very very reserved because they are always testing the waters before they can come they can be seen or they can appear very shy reserved at times cold also some people can feel oh they are cold or oh they are having some kind of complex but it is not so the just because the number two people are shy at the beginning they take time to know you and then slowly they will start opening up and when they open up and when they really really like you. It's like they are very loyal to you they are you know they will help you and they will try to understand you and yes curiosity is also seen in the number 2 people very very curious.

They would like to know what's happening they would like to have more information because this gives them the certainty that everything is okay so whenever you are in trouble you're number two friend will be I mean the friend with the number two personality traits will be a bit like what happened to Tell me and even if you don't feel like telling they will try to dig into it because they would like to know what's troubling you so that they can help you this is what I have seen awesome then I also see that wherever how in what kind of jobs they will try there is that they will thrive they will succeed in jobs which require people that teamwork is required Okay. 

Then also I see that as they're very maternal in caring, for example, health care also they will be very good as teachers they will very good no matter where they are put I think there is that maternal air about them. That will you know, help them to do very well wherever there is some kind of services to be provided. So, in service industries also they will do very good. Wherever imagination artistic qualities are required. Imagination is wonderful in them because the more Of course here and the institution that is required to so astrological so can be one of the sectors that they can do very well in.

 So, wherever these qualities are required they will be their diplomacy also. So, yes they can also wherever there is diplomacy required then number two people will do quite good like for example
PRS or you know this kind of post can be very very good for them and yes they can be very good doctors nurses also because they are very you know, they have this very caring and at the same time the curiosities So, yes there you can add the research work also comes into the picture.

However, now, what are the positive things that I have told you, but what are not the negative aspects of the number two, well the negative aspects of number two are duality because it is one plus one right. So, always there is a duality the conflicting mind is there always, you know, one mind will say something and the other will like, Oh, you know, try to dominate the other side. So there is always the duality Should I shouldn't die confusions. indecisiveness can be a lot than self-pity also, they can have that like martyr syndrome, you know, like, because they give so much so, when they don't receive in return, then they can have this kind of, you know, like, exhausted burnout feeling that I have given so much, and what did I get in return, you know, so they might have that very much inside of them, that self-pity. So you have to take care of that don't fall into self-pity that I did this and this and this for you, you don't need to tell anyone of that, you know, you have done it, because it is your power to give. 

So forget it, you know, just leave it at that don't get into self-pity. Because then that leads to complex again, then what can happen is that you can get into this kind of shy feeling, then lack of confidence also, because you feel the word, your word comes from people in front of you, but it's not that you are worthy. Because you have those qualities inside of you. So you don't need to make the person in front so important that that person besides what's your word? So you need to take care of that. My dear. Number two personality!

 And also Yes, you have to avoid being overly dependent. The moment you love someone, be it a friend, be it a parent, be the relative be it your partner, be it Yeah, anyone whom you trust, then what can happen you start depending upon them. And I wouldn't say it's bad to depend but when you depend too much on someone What are you doing actually, you're giving the remote of your life in their hands and then they start manipulating you then they can you know, do whatever with you.

 So take care My dear number two, don't be overly dependent keep your power with yourself also, it's nice to love it nice to give but at the same time, you need to keep your own position right. So overly dependent also you can be and yes at times you can be passive also when you see that things are not running according to you know, you know, like, things are not going so well or anything. So, instead of actively participating in you know, taking charge of the solution are removing those knots in that puzzle or that thread, what do you do, you just you know, you can become passive, that is a negative traitor like you can just become passive.

 Unless and until a partner or somebody who is very strong personality comes to you know, just wake you up and say Come on, come on, come on, let's do that and then you get your strength. So that can be one of the negative traits of our sensitive dear number two. And also I see that as you have this sacrificing nature, which is very, very positive, but at the same time, you can be taken for a ride very easily. Anyone can hurt you very easily. So my dear number two, you need to take care of that.

That being good is good. But being too good is bad. Okay, being too good at your own cost is bad. Because of this particular good that you carry, it's wonderful, but what happens is that you have to know who Are you giving it to? Okay, Who are you giving, because, like, I have read that don't throw bowls in front of the swine, because the swine will trample the polls? You see, don't throw your beautiful, wonderful precious emotions in front of people who don't deserve them. Because they will never understand the word of that manager number two, so just be what you are, but at the same time, protect yourself.

I'm saying that just because want to get hurt in life. Yeah, and I think many of you do get hurt in life just because of this wonderful, beautiful giving nature and your hypersensitivity also, you know, doesn't allow you to give back in a very, you know, rude manner to the person in front of you that give it back, you know, and then settle accounts, it's not like that, you just, you know, you take it on yourself. 

So just protect this beauty inside of your mind. Number two, and what I would say be your intuitive self, give your love to people who really deserve them. And if those people have hurt you, some people have hurt you in your life, then you know, just forgive them. But next time, don't make the mistake of again, giving them love. Okay, my dear number two.

 Also, I've seen that. Number two people have a very strong need of affection because they always give affection to so they have a very strong need of affection. And if the partners or loved ones, don't give them affection, it really really hurts them they feel very, very rejected. This is what I have noticed also about the number two people they need to be, they need to have cared for I see that they need to be very much cared for, and they need to be taken care of. And as they are, you know, empathic in nature, there is too much empathy in them. So they will end up feeling a lot of pains from everywhere, so they need to protect themselves from this empathic nature, empathetic, empathic, empathic nature they need to protect themselves. And yes, as I said in the number two personality we have the number 11 also. So 11 is a master number and I will be speaking of master numbers, after we end the series from one to nine until then I'll say a little bit of patience. So please do like share and comment and please do let me know how did you like the number two Article. So on this, I would say have a wonderful morning, afternoon evening night, and see you next time. Say bless it. Always. Bye-bye. 
Number two. 