Basic History of Lo- Shu-Grid 

Our world revolves around numbers. 
We are all influenced by numbers every day of our life. We are all influenced by numbers every day of our life Is there anyone who has not had, at one time or another, a strong feeling concerning a particular number? Most people have a favorite number, and chances are that yours has influenced an important decision at some point in your life. We all have lots of numbers that are intricate parts of our lives, such as our House number, our Driver‟s License number, our Telephone number, Mobile number, etc. The list goes on and on.

One essential thing to remember about using Numerology is that bringing your own upbeat attitude and positive energy to the process is the most important aspect! Our main goal with Lo Shu Square is to enlighten AND entertain. So find a comfortable place to read, open your mind to new thoughts, and enjoy your journey as we explore the amazing Lo Shu Square.

Lo Shu Grid is a 3x3 square grid that is part of Chinese Numerology. A birth chart grid consists of Nine Spaces, each space meant for a number. The date of birth of the native will be written in full and spaces filled.

As you begin to work with Lo Shu Square, you will see right off that it deals with what is perhaps the most important number in a person‟s life – the number of the very moment of their birth. It is this number that shapes everything that is to come.

The story tells of a great flood that hit China at that time, where the mighty King Yu Lo was sitting on the banks of the river, trying to develop a plan to safely drain the water into the sea, then a tortoise out of the water. Turned out with a curious pattern on its shell. The scales of the shell formed a motif of a three-by-three grid of squares, and within each square, there were several distinct points. The sum of the number of dots in each row, column, and diagonal adds up to fifteen.

Basic Background of  Lo- Shu Grid (LSG)

The legend goes that one of the great emperors of China once found a tortoiseshell during a  flood of the river Lo. This was a highly auspicious omen as the people in those times believed that God lived inside tortoise and turtle shells. This particular tortoiseshell had extraordinary markings – it contained a perfect, three-by-three square on its back. This square is known as the Lo Shu grid. This square was remarkable because every horizontal,  vertical, and diagonal row added up to fifteen. 

The number 15 was very important to King Yu as it was known as the number of days between the new moon and the full moon. Additionally, the number 5 was (and still is) highly respected in China, and the number was located in the important center square of the grid.

Fifteen is the number of days between the new moon and the full moon. The number five was highly regarded in ancient China and this magic square contained a five in the central position. 

After several centuries, the 3x3 magic square made its way out of China and entered the Indian subcontinent. From India, it traveled on to Arabia and into medieval Europe. Since, magic squares have fascinated humanity throughout the ages, and have been around for over 4,120 years. They are found in several cultures, including Egypt and India, engraved on stone or metal and worn as talismans, the belief being that magic squares had astrological and divinatory qualities, their usage ensuring longevity and prevention of diseases. In the ninth century, Arabian astrologers used magic squares to interpret horoscopes.

 The 3x3 magic square was used as part of rituals in India from Vedic times and continues to be used to date. The Kubera-Kolam is a floor painting used in India which is in the form of a  magic square of order three. It is essentially the same as the Lo Shu Square, but with 19 added to each number, giving a magic constant of 72. Lo Shu is also connected to the Chakras and stimulates them. Chakra (derived from the Sanskrit chakra चक्रं, wheel or disc. There are seven major chakras or energy centers, located within the subtle body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head, at major branching of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull and expressed life force energy (biophysical energy or prana of the human body).

Lo- Shu Grid (LSG) is the most important analysis as it helps in identifying the inner traits of an individual. 

LSG also highlights
 Mental, Emotional, Practical, 
Thought, Will, and Action traits. 
There are arrows of strength and weaknesses.

The LSG (Lo-Shu Grid) can be looked at in a number of different ways. 
The top row - (numbers 4, 9, and 2) represents the head of a person. 
The middle row (numbers 3, 5, and 7)  represents the body. Finally, 
The bottom row (numbers 8, 1, and 6) represents the feet.
 • Top row can be regarded as the Mental plane. It encompasses thinking, creating,  
imagining, and analyzing. Associated with Head. 
• The middle row is called the Emotional plane. This plane includes spirituality,  
intuition, feelings, and emotions. Also associated with Torso. 
• The bottom row is called the Practical plane. This encompasses physical labor,  
creativity, athletic ability, physical coordination, and the ability to be practical in everyday life. 

From LSG one can also derive Vastu defects in one’s house as each grid presents particular  directions as listed below: 

• North: Career prospects, water element, planning, Middle Son 
• Southwest: Marriage prospects, marital bliss, earth element, happiness, initiative,  
• East: Family relationships, health, wood element, growth, Oldest Son 
• Southeast: Wealth, prosperity, wood element, Oldest Daughter 
• Centre: Earth element, strength, and stability, Family 
• Northwest: Mentors, helpful people, friends, metal element, foreign contracts, new  
opportunities, Father 
• West: Mental peace, children, creativity, metal element, Youngest Daughter 
• Northeast: Knowledge, education, memory, earth element, Youngest Son 
• South: Recognition, fame, energy, fire element, Middle Daughter

Those Born from the year 2000 onwards:-

The majority of all those born from the year 2000 onwards have to miss 1 and 9; so from LSG, they will have weak Will, low emotional and practical plane. This all means the presence of small arrows which are related to Detail, Litigation, Peace of Mind, and Science. Missing 1 and 9  also means low Will plane as well as Emotional and Practical plane.  

Just imagine the type of life and future all those born from the year 2000 onwards, missing 1 and 9 in their LPG, will have if no remedies are given.

Numbers Missing in the Chart:-

Numbers that are completely missing from someone's chart indicate lessons that the person must learn in this lifetime. This life, as well as future lives, will improve if these lessons are learned.
Missing 1:- 
These people find it difficult to communicate with others. These people must learn to communicate with others, to really connect with other people,  understand other people's feelings and points of view. and develop a sense of compassion.  
They need to really listen to other people. In short, they need to talk less and listen more.
Missing 2:- 
These people can lack sensitivity and intuition. Therefore, they may make mistakes by ignoring or mistrusting the small, quiet voice within. They are also impatient. These people often try to justify their mistakes, or blame others for them rather than admit to them. 
These people must learn to be more sensitive, to trust their intuition, be more patient and admit and accept responsibility for their own mistakes. 

Missing 3:- 
These people can lack confidence. They often underestimate themselves, and as a result, may put themselves down. They also have trouble thinking logically when under stress or distracted. 
These people must learn to accept their faults and accept themselves as they are. They must also learn to mentally focus and ignore disruptions.

Missing 4:- 
People missing a 4 dislikes hard work. They find it difficult to work to a set routine. They can be disorganized and lack motivation. Getting out of bed and going to work is an unattractive proposition. They hate Mondays. 
These people must learn discipline, work hard, and how to enjoy their work. 

Missing 5:- 
These people find it hard to set goals. They often lack drive and direction. They need constant motivation from others. 
These people must learn to set realistic goals and to complete them. 

Missing 6:- 
People missing the number 6 need to be more responsible. They also need to be more giving of themselves. They tend to hide their own feelings and have trouble relating to one or both of their parents. They can have problems with relationships until they learn to be more responsible and more open. 
These people must learn to be more responsible, more open, and more loving of their parents.

Missing 7:- 
These people can sometimes be inconsiderate of other people's feelings and misfortunes.  They have little or no real interest in spiritual matters. They dislike being left on their own. 
These people must learn to be more considerate of other people's feelings, sympathetic to other people's misfortunes, and more relaxed around others.

Missing 8:- 
These people have difficulty handling their financial matters. They may be too careless or too trusting and suffer financially as a result. They can also lack motivation and often leave tasks unfinished. 
These people must learn to be less impulsive and think before acting. They need to control  their spending

Missing 9:-
These people tend to overlook the feelings and needs of others. They are aloof and detached.  They seldom finish what they start. 
They need to learn to give more of themselves and became true humanitarians. Similarly, if they're more than 1 number in a particular box that can either be good or bad for the individual.

Vastu Shastra


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